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Python pytest pytest_exception_interact customize exception information from VCR.py exception


I have started using pytest-vcr which is a pytest plugin wrapping VCR.py which I have documented in this blog post on Advanced Python Testing.

It records all HTTP traffic to cassettes/*.yml files on the first test run to save snapshots. Similar to Jest snapshot testing for web components.

On subsequent test runs, if a request is malformed, it won't find a match and throws an exception saying that recording new requests is forbidden and it did not find an existing recording.


VCR.py raises a CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException which is not particularly informative as to why it didn't match.

How do I leverage pytest pytest_exception_interact hooks to replace this exception with a more informative one leveraging fixture information?

I dove into my site-packages where VCR.py is pip installed and rewrote how I want it to handle the exception. I just need to know how to get this pytest_exception_interact hook to work correctly to access the fixtures from that test node (before it gets cleaned up) and raise a different exception.


Lets get the dependencies.

$ pip install pytest pytest-vcr requests


import pytest
import requests

def test_example():
    r = requests.get("https://www.stackoverflow.com")
    assert r.status_code == 200
$ pytest test_example.py --vcr-record=once
test_example.py::test_example PASSED 
$ ls cassettes/
$ head cassettes/test_example.yml
- request:
    uri: https://wwwstackoverflow.com
    body: null
        - '*/*'
$ pytest test_example.py --vcr-record=none
test_example.py::test_example PASSED 

Now change the URI in the test to "https://www.google.com":


import pytest
import requests

def test_example():
    r = requests.get("https://www.google.com")
    assert r.status_code == 200

And run the test again to detect the regression:

$ pytest test_example.py --vcr-record=none
E               vcr.errors.CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException: No match for the request (<Request (GET) https://www.google.com/>)

I can add a conftest.py file to the root of my test structure to create a local plugin, and I can verify that I can intercept the exception and inject my own using:


import pytest
from vcr.errors import CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException
from vcr.config import VCR
from vcr.cassette import Cassette

class RequestNotFoundCassetteException(CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException):

def _vcr_marker(request):
    marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("vcr")
    if marker:
        cassette = request.getfixturevalue("vcr_cassette")
        vcr = request.getfixturevalue("vcr")
        request.node.__vcr_fixtures = dict(vcr_cassette=cassette, vcr=vcr)

def pytest_exception_interact(node, call, report):
    excinfo = call.excinfo
    if report.when == "call" and isinstance(excinfo.value, CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException):
        # Safely check for fixture pass through on this node
        cassette = None
        vcr = None
        if hasattr(node, "__vcr_fixtures"):
            for fixture_name, fx in node.__vcr_fixtures.items():
                vcr = fx if isinstance(fx, VCR)
                cassette = fx if isinstance(fx, Cassette)

        # If we have the extra fixture context available...
        if cassette and vcr:
            match_properties = [f.__name__ for f in cassette._match_on]
            cassette_reqs = cassette.requests
            #  filtered_req = cassette.filter_request(vcr._vcr_request)
            #  this_req, req_str = __format_near_match(filtered_req, cassette_reqs, match_properties)

            # Raise and catch a new excpetion FROM existing one to keep the traceback
            # https://stackoverflow.com/a/24752607/622276
            # https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#built-in-exceptions
                raise RequestNotFoundCassetteException(
                    f"\nMatching Properties: {match_properties}\n" f"Cassette Requests: {cassette_reqs}\n"
                ) from excinfo.value
            except RequestNotFoundCassetteException as e:
                excinfo._excinfo = (type(e), e)
                report.longrepr = node.repr_failure(excinfo)

This is the part where the documentation on the internet gets pretty thin.

How do I access the vcr_cassette fixture and return a different exception?

What I want to do is get the filtered_request that was attempting to be requested and the list of cassette_requests and using the Python difflib standard library produce deltas against the information that diverged.

PyTest Code Spelunking

The internals of running a single test with pytest triggers pytest_runtest_protocol which effectively runs the following three call_and_report calls to get a collection of reports.


def runtestprotocol(item, log=True, nextitem=None):
    # Abbreviated
    reports = []
    reports.append(call_and_report(item, "setup", log))
    reports.append(call_and_report(item, "call", log))
    reports.append(call_and_report(item, "teardown", log))
    return reports

So I'm after modifying the report at the call stage... but still no clue how I get access to the fixture information.


def call_and_report(item, when, log=True, **kwds):
    call = call_runtest_hook(item, when, **kwds)
    hook = item.ihook
    report = hook.pytest_runtest_makereport(item=item, call=call)
    if log:
    if check_interactive_exception(call, report):
        hook.pytest_exception_interact(node=item, call=call, report=report)
    return report

It looks like there are some helper methods for generating a new ExceptionRepresentation so I updated the conftest.py example.


longrepr = item.repr_failure(excinfo)

UPDATE #1 2019-06-26: Thanks to some pointers from @hoefling in the comments I updated my conftest.py.

  • Correctly re-raising the exception using the raise ... from ... form.
  • Override the _vcr_marker to attach the vcr and vcr_cassette fixtures to the request.node which represent that individual test item.
  • Remaining: Get access to the intercepted request from the patched VCRConnection...

UPDATE #2 2019-06-26

It would seem impossible to get at the VCRHTTPConnections that were patched in creating the cassette context manager. I have opened up the following pull request to pass as arguments when the exception is thrown, to then catch and handle arbitrarily down stream.



Related questions that are informative but still don't answer this question.

  • Customizing error message for specific exceptions in pytest
like image 564
Josh Peak Avatar asked Jun 25 '19 01:06

Josh Peak

1 Answers

Thanks to comments and guidance in the comments from @hoefling.

I could attach the cassette fixture to the request.node in a conftest.py local plugin overriding the pytest-vcr marker...

def _vcr_marker(request):
    marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("vcr")
    if marker:
        cassette = request.getfixturevalue("vcr_cassette")
        vcr = request.getfixturevalue("vcr")
        request.node.__vcr_fixtures = dict(vcr_cassette=cassette, vcr=vcr)

But I needed more than the cassette to get to my solution.


  • Use the pytest_exception_interact hook
  • Pull request to VCR.py https://github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy/pull/446
    • PR #439 and PR #441 by arthurHamon2 has been huge to fix the test suite and also integrate matcher differencing outputs.
  • BONUS: Use the raise ... from ... form of throwing an exception


Get latest VCRpy

These patches were released in vcrpy v2.1.0

pip install vcrpy==2.1.0

Override the pytest_exception_interact hook

In the root of your test directory create a conftest.py to create a local plugin that overrides the pytest_exception_interact hook.

def pytest_exception_interact(node, call, report):
    """Intercept specific exceptions from tests."""
    if report.when == "call" and isinstance(call.excinfo.value, CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException):
        __handle_cassette_exception(node, call, report)


Extract the Cassette and the Request from the exception.

# Define new exception to throw
class RequestNotFoundCassetteException(Exception):

def __handle_cassette_exception(node, call, report):
    # Safely check for attributes attached to exception
    vcr_request = None
    cassette = None
    if hasattr(call.excinfo.value, "cassette"):
        cassette = call.excinfo.value.cassette
    if hasattr(call.excinfo.value, "failed_request"):
        vcr_request = call.excinfo.value.failed_request

    # If we have the extra context available...
    if cassette and vcr_request:

        match_properties = [f.__name__ for f in cassette._match_on]
        this_req, req_str = __format_near_match(cassette.requests, vcr_request, match_properties)

            raise RequestNotFoundCassetteException(f"{this_req}\n\n{req_str}\n") from call.excinfo.value
        except RequestNotFoundCassetteException as e:
            call.excinfo._excinfo = (type(e), e)
            report.longrepr = node.repr_failure(call.excinfo)

like image 100
Josh Peak Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Josh Peak