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python pandas: how to find rows in one dataframe but not in another?

Let's say that I have two tables: people_all and people_usa, both with the same structure and therefore the same primary key.

How can I get a table of the people not in the USA? In SQL I'd do something like:

select a.*
from people_all a

left outer join people_usa u
on a.id = u.id

where u.id is null

What would be the Python equivalent? I cannot think of a way to translate this where statement into pandas syntax.

The only way I can think of is to add an arbitrary field to people_usa (e.g. people_usa['dummy']=1), do a left join, then take only the records where 'dummy' is nan, then delete the dummy field - which seems a bit convoluted.


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Pythonista anonymous Avatar asked Sep 18 '15 12:09

Pythonista anonymous

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2 Answers

use isin and negate the boolean mask:

people_usa[~people_usa['ID'].isin(people_all ['ID'])]


In [364]:
people_all = pd.DataFrame({ 'ID' : np.arange(5)})
people_usa = pd.DataFrame({ 'ID' : [3,4,6,7,100]})

2    6
3    7
4  100

so 3 and 4 are removed from the result, the boolean mask looks like this:

In [366]:

0     True
1     True
2    False
3    False
4    False
Name: ID, dtype: bool

using ~ inverts the mask

like image 125
EdChum Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10


Here is another similar to SQL Pandas method: .query():

people_all.query('ID not in @people_usa.ID')

or using NumPy's in1d() method:

people_all.[~np.in1d(people_all, people_usa)]

NOTE: for those who have experience with SQL it might be worth to read Pandas comparison with SQL

like image 27
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

MaxU - stop WAR against UA