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Python Non negative Matrix Factorization that handles both zeros and missing data?

I look for a NMF implementation that has a python interface, and handles both missing data and zeros.

I don't want to impute my missing values before starting the factorization, I want them to be ignored in the minimized function.

It seems that neither scikit-learn, nor nimfa, nor graphlab, nor mahout propose such an option.


like image 740
Théo T Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 17:03

Théo T

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What is non negative matrix factorization used for?

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How do you choose K in NMF?

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1 Answers

Using this Matlab to python code conversion sheet I was able to rewrite NMF from Matlab toolbox library.
I had to decompose a 40k X 1k matrix with sparsity of 0.7%. Using 500 latent features my machine took 20 minutes for 100 iteration.

Here is the method:

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from numpy import dot

def nmf(X, latent_features, max_iter=100, error_limit=1e-6, fit_error_limit=1e-6):
    Decompose X to A*Y
    eps = 1e-5
    print 'Starting NMF decomposition with {} latent features and {} iterations.'.format(latent_features, max_iter)
    X = X.toarray()  # I am passing in a scipy sparse matrix

    # mask
    mask = np.sign(X)

    # initial matrices. A is random [0,1] and Y is A\X.
    rows, columns = X.shape
    A = np.random.rand(rows, latent_features)
    A = np.maximum(A, eps)

    Y = linalg.lstsq(A, X)[0]
    Y = np.maximum(Y, eps)

    masked_X = mask * X
    X_est_prev = dot(A, Y)
    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        # ===== updates =====
        # Matlab: A=A.*(((W.*X)*Y')./((W.*(A*Y))*Y'));
        top = dot(masked_X, Y.T)
        bottom = (dot((mask * dot(A, Y)), Y.T)) + eps
        A *= top / bottom

        A = np.maximum(A, eps)
        # print 'A',  np.round(A, 2)

        # Matlab: Y=Y.*((A'*(W.*X))./(A'*(W.*(A*Y))));
        top = dot(A.T, masked_X)
        bottom = dot(A.T, mask * dot(A, Y)) + eps
        Y *= top / bottom
        Y = np.maximum(Y, eps)
        # print 'Y', np.round(Y, 2)

        # ==== evaluation ====
        if i % 5 == 0 or i == 1 or i == max_iter:
            print 'Iteration {}:'.format(i),
            X_est = dot(A, Y)
            err = mask * (X_est_prev - X_est)
            fit_residual = np.sqrt(np.sum(err ** 2))
            X_est_prev = X_est

            curRes = linalg.norm(mask * (X - X_est), ord='fro')
            print 'fit residual', np.round(fit_residual, 4),
            print 'total residual', np.round(curRes, 4)
            if curRes < error_limit or fit_residual < fit_error_limit:

return A, Y

Here I was using Scipy sparse matrix as input and missing values were converted to 0 using toarray() method. Therefore, the mask was created using numpy.sign() function. However, if you have nan values you could get same results by using numpy.isnan() function.

like image 147
Tautvydas Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10
