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python multithreading wait till all threads finished

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Does Python wait for threads to finish?

join() # Will wait for a thread until it finishes its task. You can also provide a timeout parameter in seconds (real numbers accepted) to the join() method.

How do you make the main thread wait for other threads in Python?

format(i)) # Create the threads lock = Lock() threads = [Thread(target=target, args=(i, lock)) for i in range(5)] # Start the threads for x in threads: x. start() # Stop the threads for x in threads: x. join() print("Done!")

How do you wait for a function to finish in Python?

This os. wait() function is used for suspending or stopping the parent process until the child process is executed. This wait() function is usually used for waiting whenever the process needs something to happen where it will wait until the function returns true with some specified or declared conditions or modes.

Put the threads in a list and then use the Join method

 threads = []

 t = Thread(...)

 ...repeat as often as necessary...

 # Start all threads
 for x in threads:

 # Wait for all of them to finish
 for x in threads:

You need to use join method of Thread object in the end of the script.

t1 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsA))
t2 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsB))
t3 = Thread(target=call_script, args=(scriptA + argumentsC))



Thus the main thread will wait till t1, t2 and t3 finish execution.

In Python3, since Python 3.2 there is a new approach to reach the same result, that I personally prefer to the traditional thread creation/start/join, package concurrent.futures: https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html

Using a ThreadPoolExecutor the code would be:

from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
import time

def call_script(ordinal, arg):
    print('Thread', ordinal, 'argument:', arg)
    print('Thread', ordinal, 'Finished')

args = ['argumentsA', 'argumentsB', 'argumentsC']

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
    ordinal = 1
    for arg in args:
        executor.submit(call_script, ordinal, arg)
        ordinal += 1
print('All tasks has been finished')

The output of the previous code is something like:

Thread 1 argument: argumentsA
Thread 2 argument: argumentsB
Thread 1 Finished
Thread 2 Finished
Thread 3 argument: argumentsC
Thread 3 Finished
All tasks has been finished

One of the advantages is that you can control the throughput setting the max concurrent workers.

I prefer using list comprehension based on an input list:

inputs = [scriptA + argumentsA, scriptA + argumentsB, ...]
threads = [Thread(target=call_script, args=(i)) for i in inputs]
[t.start() for t in threads]
[t.join() for t in threads]

You can have class something like below from which you can add 'n' number of functions or console_scripts you want to execute in parallel passion and start the execution and wait for all jobs to complete..

from multiprocessing import Process

class ProcessParallel(object):
    To Process the  functions parallely

    def __init__(self, *jobs):
        self.jobs = jobs
        self.processes = []

    def fork_processes(self):
        Creates the process objects for given function deligates
        for job in self.jobs:
            proc  = Process(target=job)

    def start_all(self):
        Starts the functions process all together.
        for proc in self.processes:

    def join_all(self):
        Waits untill all the functions executed.
        for proc in self.processes:

def two_sum(a=2, b=2):
    return a + b

def multiply(a=2, b=2):
    return a * b

#How to run:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #note: two_sum, multiply can be replace with any python console scripts which
    #you wanted to run parallel..
    procs =  ProcessParallel(two_sum, multiply)
    #Add all the process in list
    #starts  process execution 
    #wait until all the process got executed

I just came across the same problem where I needed to wait for all the threads which were created using the for loop.I just tried out the following piece of code.It may not be the perfect solution but I thought it would be a simple solution to test:

for t in threading.enumerate():
    except RuntimeError as err:
        if 'cannot join current thread' in err: