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Properties file in python (similar to Java Properties)

People also ask

What is the equivalent of a properties file in Python?

Python Read Properties File into Dictionary A properties file is the same as a dictionary. So, it's a common practice to read the properties file into a dictionary. The steps are similar to above, except for the change in the iteration code to add the elements to a dictionary.

What type of file is the properties file in Java?

properties is a file extension for files mainly used in Java-related technologies to store the configurable parameters of an application. They can also be used for storing strings for Internationalization and localization; these are known as Property Resource Bundles.

How do I read a properties file in Python?

get() Method or Index-Based access to reading the values associated with the key. items() method to get the collection of all key-value pairs and iterate over it to read all keys — value pair from the properties. The file contains key-value pairs in each line (i.e it is a dictionary in python).

What is the difference between ini and properties file?

The essential property-file format has a simple row-oriented format with only two values in each row. A configuration (or . INI ) file organizes a simple list of properties into one or more named sections. A property file uses a few punctuation rules to encode the data.

I was able to get this to work with ConfigParser, no one showed any examples on how to do this, so here is a simple python reader of a property file and example of the property file. Note that the extension is still .properties, but I had to add a section header similar to what you see in .ini files... a bit of a bastardization, but it works.

The python file: PythonPropertyReader.py

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()

print config.get('DatabaseSection', 'database.dbname');

The property file: ConfigFile.properties


For more functionality, read: https://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html

For .ini files there is the configparser module that provides a format compatible with .ini files.

Anyway there's nothing available for parsing complete .properties files, when I have to do that I simply use jython (I'm talking about scripting).

I know that this is a very old question, but I need it just now and I decided to implement my own solution, a pure python solution, that covers most uses cases (not all):

def load_properties(filepath, sep='=', comment_char='#'):
    Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file.
    props = {}
    with open(filepath, "rt") as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.strip()
            if l and not l.startswith(comment_char):
                key_value = l.split(sep)
                key = key_value[0].strip()
                value = sep.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"') 
                props[key] = value 
    return props

You can change the sep to ':' to parse files with format:

key : value

The code parses correctly lines like:

url = "http://my-host.com"
name = Paul = Pablo
# This comment line will be ignored

You'll get a dict with:

{"url": "http://my-host.com", "name": "Paul = Pablo" }

A java properties file is often valid python code as well. You could rename your myconfig.properties file to myconfig.py. Then just import your file, like this

import myconfig

and access the properties directly

print myconfig.propertyName1