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Python - merge time and date [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Pythonic way to add datetime.date and datetime.time objects

This question seems quite simple for me but I can't find the answer.
I have a datetime.date() to which I'd like to add a datetime.time().

>>> import datetime
>>> my_time = datetime.time(9, 30)
>>> my_date = datetime.date(2012, 10, 2)

I tried

>>> my_time + my_date

I would have liked to get a

datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 2, 9, 30)

But the operand is not supported.
What is the best way to add my_time to my_date ?

like image 733
Pierre de LESPINAY Avatar asked Sep 28 '12 14:09

Pierre de LESPINAY

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1 Answers

datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date(2011, 01, 01), datetime.time(10, 23))


like image 165
dm03514 Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11
