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How to combine callLater and addCallback?




This is so broken, I hope you are merciful with me:

reactor.callLater(0, myFunction, parameter1).addCallback(reactor.stop)

myFunction returns a deferred.

I hope it is clear what I want to do:

  • as soon as the reactor is running, I want to call myFunction. That is why I am using 0 as the delay parameter. Is there no other way except callLater? It looks funny to pass it a delay of 0.
  • I want to stop the reactor as soon as myFunction has completed the task.

The problems that I have so far:

  • AttributeError: DelayedCall instance has no attribute 'addCallback'. Fair enough! How do I put a callback in the callback chain started by myFunction then?
  • exceptions.TypeError: stop() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given).

To solve the second problem I had to define a special function:

def stopReactor(result):
    gd.log.info( 'Result: %s' % result)
    gd.log.info( 'Stopping reactor immediatelly' )

And change the code to:

reactor.callLater(0, myFunction, parameter1).addCallback(stopReactor)

(still not working because of the callLater problem, but stopReactor will work now)

Is there really no other way to call reactor.stop except by defining an extra function?

like image 776
blueFast Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 21:11


2 Answers

IReactorTime.callLater and Deferred are mixed together by twisted.internet.task.deferLater.

from twisted.internet import reactor, task

d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, myFunction, parameter1)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored: reactor.stop())
like image 119
Jean-Paul Calderone Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Jean-Paul Calderone

I want to stop the reactor as soon as myFunction has completed the task.

So, create a wrapper that does myFunction's work and then stops the reactor?

def wrapper(reactor, *args):

reactor.callLater(0, wrapper, reactor, ...)
like image 23
Karl Knechtel Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Karl Knechtel