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Python - Loading Zip Codes into a DataFrame as Strings?

I'm using Pandas to load an Excel spreadsheet which contains zip code (e.g. 32771). The zip codes are stored as 5 digit strings in spreadsheet. When they are pulled into a DataFrame using the command...

xls = pd.ExcelFile("5-Digit-Zip-Codes.xlsx")
dfz = xls.parse('Zip Codes')

they are converted into numbers. So '00501' becomes 501.

So my questions are, how do I:

a. Load the DataFrame and keep the string type of the zip codes stored in the Excel file?

b. Convert the numbers in the DataFrame into a five digit string e.g. "501" becomes "00501"?

like image 756
Steve Maughan Avatar asked Oct 15 '15 00:10

Steve Maughan

People also ask

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Method #1: Using compression=zip in pandas. read_csv() method. By assigning the compression argument in read_csv() method as zip, then pandas will first decompress the zip and then will create the dataframe from CSV file present in the zipped file.

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If you want to change the data type for all columns in the DataFrame to the string type, you can use df. applymap(str) or df. astype(str) methods.

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One of the way to create Pandas DataFrame is by using zip() function. You can use the lists to create lists of tuples and create a dictionary from it. Then, this dictionary can be used to construct a dataframe. zip() function creates the objects and that can be used to produce single item at a time.

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gz is not supported by Pandas! See: github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/…

2 Answers

As a workaround, you could convert the ints to 0-padded strings of length 5 using Series.str.zfill:

df['zipcode'] = df['zipcode'].astype(str).str.zfill(5)


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'zipcode':['00501']})
xl = pd.ExcelFile('/tmp/out.xlsx')
df = xl.parse('Sheet1')
df['zipcode'] = df['zipcode'].astype(str).str.zfill(5)


0   00501
like image 175
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10


You can avoid panda's type inference with a custom converter, e.g. if 'zipcode' was the header of the column with zipcodes:

dfz = xls.parse('Zip Codes', converters={'zipcode': lambda x:x})

This is arguably a bug since the column was originally string encoded, made an issue here

like image 28
chrisb Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10
