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Python iterate over list and join lines without a special character to the previous item

I'm wondering if anyone has a sort of hacky / cool solution to this problem . I have a text file like so:




So I have some blocks that all contain lines that can be split into a dict, and some that cannot. How can I take lines without the : character and join them to the previous line? Here's what I'm currently doing

# loop through chunk
    # the first element of dat is a Title, so skip that
    key_map = dict(x.split(':') for x in dat[1:])

But I of course get an error because the second chunk has a line without the : character. So I wanted my dict to look something like this after correctly splitting it:

# there will be a key_map for each chunk of data
key_map['NAME'] == 'name morenamestuff' # 3rd line appended to previous
key_map['ID'] == 'id'
key_map['PERSON'] = 'person'
key_map['LOCATION'] = 'location


EDIT: Here's my final solution on github, and the full code here:


import re
import string

bad_chars = '(){}"<>[] '     # characers we want to strip from the string
key_map = []

# parse file
with open("dat.txt") as f:
    data = f.read()
    data = data.strip('\n')
    data = re.split('}|\[{', data)

# format file
with open("format.dat") as f:
    formatData = [x.strip('\n') for x in f.readlines()]

data = filter(len, data)

# strip and split each station
for dat in data[1:-1]:
    # perform black magic, don't even try to understand this
    dat = dat.translate(string.maketrans("", "", ), bad_chars).split(',')
    key_map.append(dict(x.split(':') for x in dat if ':' in x ))
    if ':' not in dat[1]:key_map['NAME']+=dat[k][2]

for station in range(0, len(key_map)):
    for opt in formatData:
        print opt,":",key_map[station][opt]
    print ""


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Syntactic Fructose Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 02:06

Syntactic Fructose

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The str. isalnum() method checks a string for the alphabet or number, and this property is used to remove special characters. The replace() method is used to replace special characters with empty characters or null values.

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1 Answers

When in doubt, write your own generator.

Add in itertools.groupby to chunk by groups of text delimited by whitespace breaks.

def chunker(s):
     it = iter(s)
     out = [next(it)]
     for line in it:
         if ':' in line or not line:
             yield ' '.join(out)
             out = []
     if out:
         yield ' '.join(out)


from itertools import groupby

[dict(x.split(':') for x in g) for k,g in groupby(chunker(lines), bool) if k]
[{'ID': 'id', 'LOCATION': 'location', 'NAME': 'name', 'PERSON': 'person'},
 {'ID': 'id',
  'LOCATION': 'location',
  'NAME': 'name morenamestuff',
  'PERSON': 'person'}]

(if those fields are always the same, I'd go with something like creating some namedtuples instead of a bunch of dicts)

from collections import namedtuple

Thing = namedtuple('Thing', 'ID LOCATION NAME PERSON')

[Thing(**dict(x.split(':') for x in g)) for k,g in groupby(chunker(lines), bool) if k]
[Thing(ID='id', LOCATION='location', NAME='name', PERSON='person'),
 Thing(ID='id', LOCATION='location', NAME='name morenamestuff', PERSON='person')]
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roippi Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 22:10
