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Python - How to cut a string in Python?




Suppose that I have the following string:


How can I take off what is after & including the & and have this string:

like image 807
André Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 19:11


People also ask

Can u slice a string in Python?

Python string supports slicing to create substring. Note that Python string is immutable, slicing creates a new substring from the source string and original string remains unchanged.

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Python trim essentially means removing whitespaces from a string. While dealing with strings in files or user input strings, whitespaces are a common problem. Since Python considers whitespaces as a character, they would also be printed in case you decide to print the string.

2 Answers

Well, to answer the immediate question:

>>> s = "http://www.domain.com/?s=some&two=20" 

The rfind method returns the index of right-most substring:

>>> s.rfind("&") 29 

You can take all elements up to a given index with the slicing operator:

>>> "foobar"[:4] 'foob' 

Putting the two together:

>>> s[:s.rfind("&")] 'http://www.domain.com/?s=some' 

If you are dealing with URLs in particular, you might want to use built-in libraries that deal with URLs. If, for example, you wanted to remove two from the above query string:

First, parse the URL as a whole:

>>> import urlparse, urllib >>> parse_result = urlparse.urlsplit("http://www.domain.com/?s=some&two=20") >>> parse_result SplitResult(scheme='http', netloc='www.domain.com', path='/', query='s=some&two=20', fragment='') 

Take out just the query string:

>>> query_s = parse_result.query >>> query_s 's=some&two=20' 

Turn it into a dict:

>>> query_d = urlparse.parse_qs(parse_result.query) >>> query_d {'s': ['some'], 'two': ['20']} >>> query_d['s'] ['some'] >>> query_d['two'] ['20'] 

Remove the 'two' key from the dict:

>>> del query_d['two'] >>> query_d {'s': ['some']} 

Put it back into a query string:

>>> new_query_s = urllib.urlencode(query_d, True) >>> new_query_s 's=some' 

And now stitch the URL back together:

>>> result = urlparse.urlunsplit((     parse_result.scheme, parse_result.netloc,     parse_result.path, new_query_s, parse_result.fragment)) >>> result 'http://www.domain.com/?s=some' 

The benefit of this is that you have more control over the URL. Like, if you always wanted to remove the two argument, even if it was put earlier in the query string ("two=20&s=some"), this would still do the right thing. It might be overkill depending on what you want to do.

like image 177
Claudiu Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


You need to split the string:

>>> s = 'http://www.domain.com/?s=some&two=20' >>> s.split('&') ['http://www.domain.com/?s=some', 'two=20'] 

That will return a list as you can see so you can do:

>>> s2 = s.split('&')[0] >>> print s2 http://www.domain.com/?s=some 
like image 23
César Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
