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Django: Parse JSON in my template using Javascript

I have this in my view:

string_location = myaddress2     geodata = []     for place, (lat, lng) in g.geocode(string_location,exactly_one=False):         geodata.append((place, (lat, lng)))      geodata_results = len(geodata)      data = {"geodata": geodata, "geodata_results":geodata_results }     return render_to_response("business/business_view.html",                               data, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 

How would I "handle" / convert geodata into JSON and pass it to my template so that I can "loop" through it like an array?

Am I right to think that I can do it this way? If not, then please suggest on a better solution.



var geodata = "[["M. L. Quezon Street<br/>Mandaue City, Philippines", [10.351381999999999, 123.923535]], ["Talamban<br/>Cebu City, Philippines", [10.353527, 123.91352500000001]]]";  

I think the JSON is not escaped? How do I escape special characters inside the json string? I keep getting a newline error.

For PHP, I would json_encode() to fix this. Like in this post: Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines) BUT how do I do that in Python/Django?

like image 916
wenbert Avatar asked Jul 27 '10 15:07


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1 Answers

You could use the built-in json module:

>>> import json >>> geodata = [ ( "Here", (1003,3004) ), ("There", (1.2,1.3)) ] >>> json.dumps(geodata) '[["Here", [1003, 3004]], ["There", [1.2, 1.3]]]' 

You can then simply embed the resulting string inside a javascript script:

<script type='text/javascript'> var geodata = {{ geodata|safe }}; </script> 
like image 94
adamk Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
