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Python: How RECURSIVELY remove None values from a NESTED data structure (lists and dictionaries)?

Here is some nested data, that includes lists, tuples, and dictionaries:

data1 = ( 501, (None, 999), None, (None), 504 )
data2 = { 1:601, 2:None, None:603, 'four':'sixty' }
data3 = OrderedDict( [(None, 401), (12, 402), (13, None), (14, data2)] )
data = [ [None, 22, tuple([None]), (None,None), None], ( (None, 202), {None:301, 32:302, 33:data1}, data3 ) ]

Goal: Remove any keys or values (from "data") that are None. If a list or dictionary contains a value, that is itself a list, tuple, or dictionary, then RECURSE, to remove NESTED Nones.

Desired output:

[[22, (), ()], ((202,), {32: 302, 33: (501, (999,), 504)}, OrderedDict([(12, 402), (14, {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601})]))]

Or more readably, here is formatted output:

StripNones(data)= list:
. [22, (), ()]
. tuple:
. . (202,)
. . {32: 302, 33: (501, (999,), 504)}
. . OrderedDict([(12, 402), (14, {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601})])

I will propose a possible answer, as I have not found an existing solution to this. I appreciate any alternatives, or pointers to pre-existing solutions.

EDIT I forgot to mention that this has to work in Python 2.7. I can't use Python 3 at this time.

Though it IS worth posting Python 3 solutions, for others. So please indicate which python you are answering for.

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ToolmakerSteve Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 03:12


People also ask

Can Python dictionary have none value?

Many times, while working with dictionaries, we wish to check for a non-null dictionary, i.e check for None values in given dictionary. This finds application in Machine Learning in which we have to feed data with no none values.

How do I remove nested dictionary?

Deleting elements from a nested dictionary To remove an element from a nested dictionary, use the del() method.

4 Answers

If you can assume that the __init__ methods of the various subclasses have the same signature as the typical base class:

def remove_none(obj):
  if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
    return type(obj)(remove_none(x) for x in obj if x is not None)
  elif isinstance(obj, dict):
    return type(obj)((remove_none(k), remove_none(v))
      for k, v in obj.items() if k is not None and v is not None)
    return obj

from collections import OrderedDict
data1 = ( 501, (None, 999), None, (None), 504 )
data2 = { 1:601, 2:None, None:603, 'four':'sixty' }
data3 = OrderedDict( [(None, 401), (12, 402), (13, None), (14, data2)] )
data = [ [None, 22, tuple([None]), (None,None), None], ( (None, 202), {None:301, 32:302, 33:data1}, data3 ) ]
print remove_none(data)

Note that this won't work with a defaultdict for example since the defaultdict takes and additional argument to __init__. To make it work with defaultdict would require another special case elif (before the one for regular dicts).

Also note that I've actually constructed new objects. I haven't modified the old ones. It would be possible to modify the old objects if you didn't need to support modifying immutable objects like tuple.

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mgilson Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 14:10


If you want a full-featured, yet succinct approach to handling real-world nested data structures like these, and even handle cycles, I recommend looking at the remap utility from the boltons utility package.

After pip install boltons or copying iterutils.py into your project, just do:

from collections import OrderedDict
from boltons.iterutils import remap

data1 = ( 501, (None, 999), None, (None), 504 )
data2 = { 1:601, 2:None, None:603, 'four':'sixty' }
data3 = OrderedDict( [(None, 401), (12, 402), (13, None), (14, data2)] )
data = [ [None, 22, tuple([None]), (None,None), None], ( (None, 202), {None:301, 32:302, 33:data1}, data3 ) ]

drop_none = lambda path, key, value: key is not None and value is not None

cleaned = remap(data, visit=drop_none)


# got:
[[22, (), ()], ((202,), {32: 302, 33: (501, (999,), 504)}, OrderedDict([(12, 402), (14, {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601})]))]

This page has many more examples, including ones working with much larger objects (from Github's API).

It's pure-Python, so it works everywhere, and is fully tested in Python 2.7 and 3.3+. Best of all, I wrote it for exactly cases like this, so if you find a case it doesn't handle, you can bug me to fix it right here.

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Mahmoud Hashemi Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10

Mahmoud Hashemi

def stripNone(data):
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        return {k:stripNone(v) for k, v in data.items() if k is not None and v is not None}
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        return [stripNone(item) for item in data if item is not None]
    elif isinstance(data, tuple):
        return tuple(stripNone(item) for item in data if item is not None)
    elif isinstance(data, set):
        return {stripNone(item) for item in data if item is not None}
        return data

Sample Runs:

print stripNone(data1)
print stripNone(data2)
print stripNone(data3)
print stripNone(data)

(501, (999,), 504)
{'four': 'sixty', 1: 601}
{12: 402, 14: {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601}}
[[22, (), ()], ((202,), {32: 302, 33: (501, (999,), 504)}, {12: 402, 14: {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601}})]
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thefourtheye Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10


def purify(o):
    if hasattr(o, 'items'):
        oo = type(o)()
        for k in o:
            if k != None and o[k] != None:
                oo[k] = purify(o[k])
    elif hasattr(o, '__iter__'):
        oo = [ ] 
        for it in o:
            if it != None:
    else: return o
    return type(o)(oo)

print purify(data)


[[22, (), ()], ((202,), {32: 302, 33: (501, (999,), 504)}, OrderedDict([(12, 402), (14, {'four': 'sixty', 1: 601})]))]
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perreal Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10
