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How to purge all tasks of a specific queue with celery in python?

How to purge all scheduled and running tasks of a specific que with celery in python? The questions seems pretty straigtforward, but to add I am not looking for the command line code

I have the following line, which defines the que and would like to purge that que to manage tasks:

CELERY_ROUTES = {"socialreport.tasks.twitter_save": {"queue": "twitter_save"}}

At 1 point in time I wanna purge all tasks in the que twitter_save with python code, maybe with a broadcast function? I couldn't find the documentation about this. Is this possible?

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Sam Stoelinga Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 15:10

Sam Stoelinga

2 Answers

just to update @Sam Stoelinga answer for celery 3.1, now it can be done like this on a terminal:

celery amqp queue.purge <QUEUE_NAME>

For Django be sure to start it from the manage.py file:

./manage.py celery amqp queue.purge <QUEUE_NAME> 

If not, be sure celery is able to point correctly to the broker by setting the --broker= flag.

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Hassek Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 02:09


The original answer does not work for Celery 3.1. Hassek's update is the correct command if you want to do it from the command line. But if you want to do it programmatically, do this:

Assuming you ran your Celery app as:

celery_app = Celery(...)


import celery.bin.amqp
amqp = celery.bin.amqp.amqp(app = celery_app)
amqp.run('queue.purge', 'name_of_your_queue')

This is handy for cases where you've enqueued a bunch of tasks, and one task encounters a fatal condition that you know will prevent the rest of the tasks from executing.

E.g. you enqueued a bunch of web crawler tasks, and in the middle of your tasks your server's IP address gets blocked. There's no point in executing the rest of the tasks. So in that case, your task it self can purge its own queue.

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rogthefrog Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
