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Python get focused entry name

I'm trying to make a entry value increase or decrease whenever the up or down arrow key is pressed. To do this i need to first find which entry that's in focus, and i'm trying to do that ".focus_get()". The problem is that i can't figure out how it works or what its returning. It is returning 1 unique number for each entry, something like: ".45191744" but this number changes each time i run the program. The following numbers is for the last 5 attempts, when running the code. ".50518728" ".53009096" ".55889592" ".51891896"

How can i get the variable name of the focused entry?

Here is my code:

def get_focus1(event):
    print("return: event.widget is", event.widget)
    print("focus is:", window2.focus_get())

window2 = Tk()

eyear1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for year
eyear1.insert(10, defaultYear)
eyear1.grid(row=1, column=1)

emonth1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for Month
emonth1.insert(10, defaultMonth)
emonth1.grid(row=1, column=2)

eday1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for day
eday1.insert(10, defaultDay)
eday1.grid(row=1, column=3)

window2.bind('<Left>', get_focus1)

like image 554
RasmusGP Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 09:03


2 Answers

focus_get returns the actual object. What you want to do, assuming your not using textvariable for a good reason (see Bryan's comment), is to clear the text and re-write the new value (do some validation obviously). What you end up is something like this:

from tkinter import *

def up(event):
    # warning, exceptions can happen
    old = int(event.widget.get()) # this gives back the actual object!
    event.widget.delete(0, END) # delete existing text
    event.widget.insert(10, old + 1) # put new text in

def down(event):
    # warning, exceptions can happen
    old = int(event.widget.get()) # this gives back the actual object!
    event.widget.delete(0, END) # delete existing text
    event.widget.insert(10, old - 1) # put new text in

window2 = Tk()

eyear1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for year
eyear1.insert(10, 2015)
eyear1.grid(row=1, column=1)

emonth1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for Month
emonth1.insert(10, 1)
emonth1.grid(row=1, column=2)

eday1 = Entry(window2, width=4, font=("Helvetica", 16)) #  Entry for day
eday1.insert(10, 10)
eday1.grid(row=1, column=3)

# bind both keys to corresponding event handlers
window2.bind('<Up>', up)
window2.bind('<Down>', down)
like image 199
Reut Sharabani Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 15:03

Reut Sharabani

Remember that when you call print, you are getting the representation of an object, not necessarily the object itself. To show you what's going on, add this to your get_focus1 function:

print("focus object class:", window2.focus_get().__class__)

You should see that it is indeed returning a reference to an Entry widget, meaning you can call all the normal methods on that object.

like image 38
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 16:03

Bryan Oakley