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ipython post-mortem debugging: scope of outer function

Consider the following code:

def inner(a):
    if a == 75:
        raise RuntimeError()
    return a**2

def outer():
    results = []
    for a in range(100):
    return results


In IPython, after the exception was raised, the %debug line magic opens the python debugger at the scope of inner():

In [4]: %debug
> <ipython-input-3-eff43b15b2ef>(3)inner()
      2     if a == 75:
----> 3         raise RuntimeError()
      4     return a**2

ipdb> a
a = 75
ipdb> results
*** NameError: name 'results' is not defined

How can you tell (i)pdb to enter the scope of outer() in order to save the results generated so far?

like image 282
MB-F Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 10:03


1 Answers

I don't think you can directly do it. However, once inside the debugger, you can easily type u (for up) to move the current frame one level up and be inside the outer function. See here for more informations on the commands.

like image 193
Seb D. Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 02:03

Seb D.