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Python function to find the numeric volume integral?


I would like to compute the 3D volume integral of a numeric scalar field.


For this post, I will use an example of which the integral can be exactly computed. I have therefore chosen the following function:

Integral function

In Python, I define the function, and a set of points in 3D, and then generate the discrete values at these points:

import numpy as np

# Make data.
def function(x, y, z):
    return x**y**z

N = 5
grid = np.meshgrid(
    np.linspace(0, 1, N),
    np.linspace(0, 1, N),
    np.linspace(0, 1, N)

points = np.vstack(list(map(np.ravel, grid))).T

x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
z = points[:, 2]

values = [function(points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2])
          for i in range(len(points))]


How can I find the integral, if I don't know the underlying function, i.e. if I only have the coordinates (x, y, z) and the values?

like image 637
henry Avatar asked Oct 11 '21 11:10


1 Answers

A nice way to go about this would be using scipy's tplquad integration. However, to use that, we need a function and not a cloud point.

An easy way around that is to use an interpolator, to get a function approximating our cloud point - we can for example use scipy's RegularGridInterpolator if the data is on a regular grid:

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

# Make data.
def function(x,y,z):
    return x*y*z

N = 5
xmin, xmax = 0, 1
ymin, ymax = 0, 1
zmin, zmax = 0, 1
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N)
y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, N)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, N)

values = function(*np.meshgrid(x,y,z, indexing='ij'))

# Interpolate:
function_interpolated = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y, z), values)

# tplquad integrates func(z,y,x)
f = lambda z,y,x : my_interpolating_function([z,y,x])

result, error = integrate.tplquad(f, xmin, xmax, lambda _: ymin, lambda _:ymax,lambda *_: zmin, lambda *_: zmax)

In the example above, we get result = 0.12499999999999999 - close enough!

like image 67
Seon Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
