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python - Flask test_client() doesn't have request.authorization with pytest

I have problem when testing my flask app with pytest.
App is required basic auth which is parameters of request.authorization in flask.
But with pytest, flask.test_client() doesn't have request.authorization.

Here's a code of fixture:

def app()
    app = create_app()

    # some setup code

    ctx = app.app_context()
    yield app
    # some teadown code

def test_client(app)
     return app.test_client()

Here's a code of test:

def test_index(test_client):
    res = test_client.get("/", headers={"Authorization": "Basic {user}".format(user=b64encode(b"test_user"))})
    assert res.status_code == 200

When I run this test, I got this error:

E       assert 401 == 200
E        +  where 401 = <Response streamed [401 UNAUTHORIZED]>.status_code

Not only auth failure, but also request.authorization doesn't have any value(None).
Why this happen? Is there any solution?


like image 905
Jony cruse Avatar asked May 14 '15 23:05

Jony cruse

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First create a file named test_app.py and make sure there isn't an __init__.py in your directory. Open your terminal and cd to your directory then run python3 app.py . If you are using windows then run python app.py instead. Hope this will help you solve your problem.

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1 Answers

I found this solution. Maybe it can help someone:

from requests.auth import _basic_auth_str
headers = {
   'Authorization': _basic_auth_str(username, password),

You just have to use the library 'requests'

like image 157
Kevin Vincent Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Kevin Vincent