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Python equivalent of unix cksum function

I've been looking for the equivalent python method for the unix cksum command:


$ cksum ./temp.bin
1605138151 712368 ./temp.bin

So far I have found the zlib.crc32() function

>>> import zlib
>>> f = open('./temp.bin','rb')
>>> data = f.read()
>>> zlib.crc32(data)

However this code appears to produce different results. As far as I can tell this should be using the same crc polynomial but I imagine there must be some difference in byte order or initial values. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

like image 938
Dan Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 19:07


People also ask

How use cksum command in Unix?

The command syntax of the cksum command is very straightforward. Either specify one or more files to be checked: cksum [FILE]... If you run cksum with no file names and no options, it creates a checksum for data read from standard input.

How is cksum of a file?

Description. The cksum command reads the files specified by the File parameter and calculates a 32-bit checksum Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) and the byte count for each file. If no files are specified, the cksum command reads standard input. The checksum, number of bytes, and file name are written to standard output.

2 Answers

Found a snippet here that implements a compatible cksum in python:

This module implements the cksum command found in most UNIXes in pure

The constants and routine are cribbed from the POSIX man page
import sys

crctab = [ 0x00000000, 0x04c11db7, 0x09823b6e, 0x0d4326d9, 0x130476dc,
        0x17c56b6b, 0x1a864db2, 0x1e475005, 0x2608edb8, 0x22c9f00f,
        0x2f8ad6d6, 0x2b4bcb61, 0x350c9b64, 0x31cd86d3, 0x3c8ea00a,
        0x384fbdbd, 0x4c11db70, 0x48d0c6c7, 0x4593e01e, 0x4152fda9,
        0x5f15adac, 0x5bd4b01b, 0x569796c2, 0x52568b75, 0x6a1936c8,
        0x6ed82b7f, 0x639b0da6, 0x675a1011, 0x791d4014, 0x7ddc5da3,
        0x709f7b7a, 0x745e66cd, 0x9823b6e0, 0x9ce2ab57, 0x91a18d8e,
        0x95609039, 0x8b27c03c, 0x8fe6dd8b, 0x82a5fb52, 0x8664e6e5,
        0xbe2b5b58, 0xbaea46ef, 0xb7a96036, 0xb3687d81, 0xad2f2d84,
        0xa9ee3033, 0xa4ad16ea, 0xa06c0b5d, 0xd4326d90, 0xd0f37027,
        0xddb056fe, 0xd9714b49, 0xc7361b4c, 0xc3f706fb, 0xceb42022,
        0xca753d95, 0xf23a8028, 0xf6fb9d9f, 0xfbb8bb46, 0xff79a6f1,
        0xe13ef6f4, 0xe5ffeb43, 0xe8bccd9a, 0xec7dd02d, 0x34867077,
        0x30476dc0, 0x3d044b19, 0x39c556ae, 0x278206ab, 0x23431b1c,
        0x2e003dc5, 0x2ac12072, 0x128e9dcf, 0x164f8078, 0x1b0ca6a1,
        0x1fcdbb16, 0x018aeb13, 0x054bf6a4, 0x0808d07d, 0x0cc9cdca,
        0x7897ab07, 0x7c56b6b0, 0x71159069, 0x75d48dde, 0x6b93dddb,
        0x6f52c06c, 0x6211e6b5, 0x66d0fb02, 0x5e9f46bf, 0x5a5e5b08,
        0x571d7dd1, 0x53dc6066, 0x4d9b3063, 0x495a2dd4, 0x44190b0d,
        0x40d816ba, 0xaca5c697, 0xa864db20, 0xa527fdf9, 0xa1e6e04e,
        0xbfa1b04b, 0xbb60adfc, 0xb6238b25, 0xb2e29692, 0x8aad2b2f,
        0x8e6c3698, 0x832f1041, 0x87ee0df6, 0x99a95df3, 0x9d684044,
        0x902b669d, 0x94ea7b2a, 0xe0b41de7, 0xe4750050, 0xe9362689,
        0xedf73b3e, 0xf3b06b3b, 0xf771768c, 0xfa325055, 0xfef34de2,
        0xc6bcf05f, 0xc27dede8, 0xcf3ecb31, 0xcbffd686, 0xd5b88683,
        0xd1799b34, 0xdc3abded, 0xd8fba05a, 0x690ce0ee, 0x6dcdfd59,
        0x608edb80, 0x644fc637, 0x7a089632, 0x7ec98b85, 0x738aad5c,
        0x774bb0eb, 0x4f040d56, 0x4bc510e1, 0x46863638, 0x42472b8f,
        0x5c007b8a, 0x58c1663d, 0x558240e4, 0x51435d53, 0x251d3b9e,
        0x21dc2629, 0x2c9f00f0, 0x285e1d47, 0x36194d42, 0x32d850f5,
        0x3f9b762c, 0x3b5a6b9b, 0x0315d626, 0x07d4cb91, 0x0a97ed48,
        0x0e56f0ff, 0x1011a0fa, 0x14d0bd4d, 0x19939b94, 0x1d528623,
        0xf12f560e, 0xf5ee4bb9, 0xf8ad6d60, 0xfc6c70d7, 0xe22b20d2,
        0xe6ea3d65, 0xeba91bbc, 0xef68060b, 0xd727bbb6, 0xd3e6a601,
        0xdea580d8, 0xda649d6f, 0xc423cd6a, 0xc0e2d0dd, 0xcda1f604,
        0xc960ebb3, 0xbd3e8d7e, 0xb9ff90c9, 0xb4bcb610, 0xb07daba7,
        0xae3afba2, 0xaafbe615, 0xa7b8c0cc, 0xa379dd7b, 0x9b3660c6,
        0x9ff77d71, 0x92b45ba8, 0x9675461f, 0x8832161a, 0x8cf30bad,
        0x81b02d74, 0x857130c3, 0x5d8a9099, 0x594b8d2e, 0x5408abf7,
        0x50c9b640, 0x4e8ee645, 0x4a4ffbf2, 0x470cdd2b, 0x43cdc09c,
        0x7b827d21, 0x7f436096, 0x7200464f, 0x76c15bf8, 0x68860bfd,
        0x6c47164a, 0x61043093, 0x65c52d24, 0x119b4be9, 0x155a565e,
        0x18197087, 0x1cd86d30, 0x029f3d35, 0x065e2082, 0x0b1d065b,
        0x0fdc1bec, 0x3793a651, 0x3352bbe6, 0x3e119d3f, 0x3ad08088,
        0x2497d08d, 0x2056cd3a, 0x2d15ebe3, 0x29d4f654, 0xc5a92679,
        0xc1683bce, 0xcc2b1d17, 0xc8ea00a0, 0xd6ad50a5, 0xd26c4d12,
        0xdf2f6bcb, 0xdbee767c, 0xe3a1cbc1, 0xe760d676, 0xea23f0af,
        0xeee2ed18, 0xf0a5bd1d, 0xf464a0aa, 0xf9278673, 0xfde69bc4,
        0x89b8fd09, 0x8d79e0be, 0x803ac667, 0x84fbdbd0, 0x9abc8bd5,
        0x9e7d9662, 0x933eb0bb, 0x97ffad0c, 0xafb010b1, 0xab710d06,
        0xa6322bdf, 0xa2f33668, 0xbcb4666d, 0xb8757bda, 0xb5365d03,
        0xb1f740b4 ]

UNSIGNED = lambda n: n & 0xffffffff

def memcrc(b):
    n = len(b)
    i = c = s = 0
    for ch in b:
        c = ord(ch)
        tabidx = (s>>24)^c
        s = UNSIGNED((s << 8)) ^ crctab[tabidx]

    while n:
        c = n & 0377
        n = n >> 8
        s = UNSIGNED(s << 8) ^ crctab[(s >> 24) ^ c]
    return UNSIGNED(~s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fname = sys.argv[-1]
    buffer = open(fname, 'rb').read()
    print "%d\t%d\t%s" %  (memcrc(buffer), len(buffer), fname)

Tested briefly, seems to work well.

like image 169
zeekay Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09


Same for python3

import sys

crctab = [ 0x00000000, 0x04c11db7, 0x09823b6e, 0x0d4326d9, 0x130476dc,
        0x17c56b6b, 0x1a864db2, 0x1e475005, 0x2608edb8, 0x22c9f00f,
        0x2f8ad6d6, 0x2b4bcb61, 0x350c9b64, 0x31cd86d3, 0x3c8ea00a,
        0x384fbdbd, 0x4c11db70, 0x48d0c6c7, 0x4593e01e, 0x4152fda9,
        0x5f15adac, 0x5bd4b01b, 0x569796c2, 0x52568b75, 0x6a1936c8,
        0x6ed82b7f, 0x639b0da6, 0x675a1011, 0x791d4014, 0x7ddc5da3,
        0x709f7b7a, 0x745e66cd, 0x9823b6e0, 0x9ce2ab57, 0x91a18d8e,
        0x95609039, 0x8b27c03c, 0x8fe6dd8b, 0x82a5fb52, 0x8664e6e5,
        0xbe2b5b58, 0xbaea46ef, 0xb7a96036, 0xb3687d81, 0xad2f2d84,
        0xa9ee3033, 0xa4ad16ea, 0xa06c0b5d, 0xd4326d90, 0xd0f37027,
        0xddb056fe, 0xd9714b49, 0xc7361b4c, 0xc3f706fb, 0xceb42022,
        0xca753d95, 0xf23a8028, 0xf6fb9d9f, 0xfbb8bb46, 0xff79a6f1,
        0xe13ef6f4, 0xe5ffeb43, 0xe8bccd9a, 0xec7dd02d, 0x34867077,
        0x30476dc0, 0x3d044b19, 0x39c556ae, 0x278206ab, 0x23431b1c,
        0x2e003dc5, 0x2ac12072, 0x128e9dcf, 0x164f8078, 0x1b0ca6a1,
        0x1fcdbb16, 0x018aeb13, 0x054bf6a4, 0x0808d07d, 0x0cc9cdca,
        0x7897ab07, 0x7c56b6b0, 0x71159069, 0x75d48dde, 0x6b93dddb,
        0x6f52c06c, 0x6211e6b5, 0x66d0fb02, 0x5e9f46bf, 0x5a5e5b08,
        0x571d7dd1, 0x53dc6066, 0x4d9b3063, 0x495a2dd4, 0x44190b0d,
        0x40d816ba, 0xaca5c697, 0xa864db20, 0xa527fdf9, 0xa1e6e04e,
        0xbfa1b04b, 0xbb60adfc, 0xb6238b25, 0xb2e29692, 0x8aad2b2f,
        0x8e6c3698, 0x832f1041, 0x87ee0df6, 0x99a95df3, 0x9d684044,
        0x902b669d, 0x94ea7b2a, 0xe0b41de7, 0xe4750050, 0xe9362689,
        0xedf73b3e, 0xf3b06b3b, 0xf771768c, 0xfa325055, 0xfef34de2,
        0xc6bcf05f, 0xc27dede8, 0xcf3ecb31, 0xcbffd686, 0xd5b88683,
        0xd1799b34, 0xdc3abded, 0xd8fba05a, 0x690ce0ee, 0x6dcdfd59,
        0x608edb80, 0x644fc637, 0x7a089632, 0x7ec98b85, 0x738aad5c,
        0x774bb0eb, 0x4f040d56, 0x4bc510e1, 0x46863638, 0x42472b8f,
        0x5c007b8a, 0x58c1663d, 0x558240e4, 0x51435d53, 0x251d3b9e,
        0x21dc2629, 0x2c9f00f0, 0x285e1d47, 0x36194d42, 0x32d850f5,
        0x3f9b762c, 0x3b5a6b9b, 0x0315d626, 0x07d4cb91, 0x0a97ed48,
        0x0e56f0ff, 0x1011a0fa, 0x14d0bd4d, 0x19939b94, 0x1d528623,
        0xf12f560e, 0xf5ee4bb9, 0xf8ad6d60, 0xfc6c70d7, 0xe22b20d2,
        0xe6ea3d65, 0xeba91bbc, 0xef68060b, 0xd727bbb6, 0xd3e6a601,
        0xdea580d8, 0xda649d6f, 0xc423cd6a, 0xc0e2d0dd, 0xcda1f604,
        0xc960ebb3, 0xbd3e8d7e, 0xb9ff90c9, 0xb4bcb610, 0xb07daba7,
        0xae3afba2, 0xaafbe615, 0xa7b8c0cc, 0xa379dd7b, 0x9b3660c6,
        0x9ff77d71, 0x92b45ba8, 0x9675461f, 0x8832161a, 0x8cf30bad,
        0x81b02d74, 0x857130c3, 0x5d8a9099, 0x594b8d2e, 0x5408abf7,
        0x50c9b640, 0x4e8ee645, 0x4a4ffbf2, 0x470cdd2b, 0x43cdc09c,
        0x7b827d21, 0x7f436096, 0x7200464f, 0x76c15bf8, 0x68860bfd,
        0x6c47164a, 0x61043093, 0x65c52d24, 0x119b4be9, 0x155a565e,
        0x18197087, 0x1cd86d30, 0x029f3d35, 0x065e2082, 0x0b1d065b,
        0x0fdc1bec, 0x3793a651, 0x3352bbe6, 0x3e119d3f, 0x3ad08088,
        0x2497d08d, 0x2056cd3a, 0x2d15ebe3, 0x29d4f654, 0xc5a92679,
        0xc1683bce, 0xcc2b1d17, 0xc8ea00a0, 0xd6ad50a5, 0xd26c4d12,
        0xdf2f6bcb, 0xdbee767c, 0xe3a1cbc1, 0xe760d676, 0xea23f0af,
        0xeee2ed18, 0xf0a5bd1d, 0xf464a0aa, 0xf9278673, 0xfde69bc4,
        0x89b8fd09, 0x8d79e0be, 0x803ac667, 0x84fbdbd0, 0x9abc8bd5,
        0x9e7d9662, 0x933eb0bb, 0x97ffad0c, 0xafb010b1, 0xab710d06,
        0xa6322bdf, 0xa2f33668, 0xbcb4666d, 0xb8757bda, 0xb5365d03,
        0xb1f740b4 ]

UNSIGNED = lambda n: n & 0xffffffff

def memcrc(b):
    n = len(b)
    i = c = s = 0
    for c in b:
        tabidx = (s>>24)^c
        s = UNSIGNED((s << 8)) ^ crctab[tabidx]
    while n:
        c = n & 0o0377
        n = n >> 8
        s = UNSIGNED(s << 8) ^ crctab[(s >> 24) ^ c]
    return UNSIGNED(~s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fname = sys.argv[-1]
    buffer = open(fname, 'rb').read()
    print("%d\t%d\t%s" %  (memcrc(buffer), len(buffer), fname))
like image 20
IvanTheFirst Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
