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Python dictionary loaded from disk takes too much space in memory

I have a dictionary pickled on disk with size of ~780 Megs (on disk). However, when I load that dictionary into the memory, its size swells unexpectedly to around 6 gigabytes. Is there anyway to keep the size around the actual filesize in the memory as well, (I mean it will be alright if it takes around 1 gigs in the memory, but 6 gigs is kind of a strange behavior). Is there a problem with the pickle module, or should I save the dictionary in some other format?

Here is how I am loading the file:

import pickle

with open('py_dict.pickle', 'rb') as file:
    py_dict = pickle.load(file)

Any ideas, help, would be greatly appreciated.

like image 536
user2480542 Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 15:03


1 Answers

If you're using pickle just for storing large values in a dictionary, or a very large number of keys, you should consider using shelve instead.

import shelve

This loads each key/value only as needed, keeping the rest on disk

like image 98
loopbackbee Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 04:04
