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Python class instance starts method in new thread

I spent the last hour(s???) looking/googling for a way to have a class start one of its methods in a new thread as soon as it is instanciated.

I could run something like this:

x = myClass()

def updater():
    while True:

update_thread = Thread(target=updater) 
update_thread.daemon = True

A more elegant way would be to have the class doing it in init when it is instanciated. Imagine having 10 instances of that class... Until now I couldn't find a (working) solution for this problem... The actual class is a timer and the method is an update method that updates all the counter's variables. As this class also has to run functions at a given time it is important that the time updates won't be blocked by the main thread.

Any help is much appreciated. Thx in advance...

like image 386
hegoe Avatar asked Aug 24 '13 07:08


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First, we must create a new instance of the threading. Thread class and specify the function we wish to execute in a new thread via the “target” argument. The function executed in another thread may have arguments in which case they can be specified as a tuple and passed to the “args” argument of the threading.

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1 Answers

You can subclass directly from Thread in this specific case

from threading import Thread

class MyClass(Thread):
    def __init__(self, other, arguments, here):
        super(MyClass, self).__init__()
        self.daemon = True
        self.cancelled = False
        # do other initialization here

    def run(self):
        """Overloaded Thread.run, runs the update 
        method once per every 10 milliseconds."""

        while not self.cancelled:

    def cancel(self):
        """End this timer thread"""
        self.cancelled = True

    def update(self):
        """Update the counters"""

my_class_instance = MyClass()

# explicit start is better than implicit start in constructor

# you can kill the thread with