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Python: Check if uploaded file is jpg


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How can I tell if a file is JPEG?

If you are having trouble and want to check if you photo is a JPEG, look at the writing under the photo in its file name. If it ends . jpg or . jpeg- then the file is a JPEG and will upload.

How do I know the file type in Python?

The general way of recognizing the type of file is by looking at its extension. But this isn't generally the case. This type of standard for recognizing file by associating an extension with a file type is enforced by some operating system families (predominantly Windows).

How can I check if a file uploaded by a user is a real jpg file in Python (Google App Engine)?

This is how far I got by now:

Script receives image via HTML Form Post and is processed by the following code

incomming_image = self.request.get("img")
image = db.Blob(incomming_image)

I found mimetypes.guess_type, but it does not work for me.