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Python boolean operator membership test with integer enumerator

i was testing the precedence of comparison and membership operator, as per Python documentation they are at same precedence. But it is showing strange results as follows,

If anyone can justify following code and the corresponding output..

print( ( True!= 12) in (12,14))  #output: False
print( True!= 12 in (12,14))  #output: True
print( True!= (12 in (12,14)))  #output: False
like image 948
Tejas Jadhav Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 20:03

Tejas Jadhav

2 Answers

From https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html:

Note that comparisons, membership tests, and identity tests, all have the same precedence and have a left-to-right chaining feature as described in the Comparisons section.

In the Comparisons section we find:

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, e.g., x < y <= z is equivalent to x < y and y <= z, except that y is evaluated only once (but in both cases z is not evaluated at all when x < y is found to be false).

So, your second line is equivalent to:

True != 12 and 12 in (12, 14)

which evaluates to True and True which evaluates to True.

Similarly curious constructions are:

>>> True == True in (True, False)

>>> True == False in (True, False)

>>> 2 == 2 in (2, 3)

>>> 1 == 1 in (2, 3)

>>> 1 != 2 in (2, 3)

>>> 2 != 1 in (2, 3)

>>> 2 in (2, 3) in [True, False]
like image 124
AGN Gazer Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 10:04

AGN Gazer

First Case:

print((True != 12) in (12,14))

We can say that first we evaluate True != 12 condition which give us True, and then we are evaluating if True is in the tuple (12,14) and that's False.

Third Case:

print(True != (12 in (12,14)))

We can say that first we evaluate (12 in (12,14)) condition which give us True because 12 is in the tuple (12,14). Then we evaluate if True != True an that's False.

Second Case:

print( True != 12 in (12,14))

So here is the tricky one. Without the parentheses we don't have where to start evaluating the conditions. To explain this case, I'm gonna give you the next example: if you try the following code (which is pretty similar to the one that we are trying to figure out the result):

print(1 != 2 != 3) #output True

You are gonna get True and that's because 1 != 2 and 2 != 3. So as you may have already noticed, it's an implicit AND. The above code is equal to:

print(1 != 2 and 2 != 3) #output True

So if we take this logic to our case, we are evaluating this:

print( True != 12 and 12 in (12,14)) # => (True and True) #output True
like image 20
Tom Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 11:04
