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Python 3 and Sybase and other databases

I am new to python. Sorry if this is a noob question. But I am still searching on how can I connect to databases using python 3. Most of what I can see on some sites, forums, are about python 2. Is there any good DBAPI or database driver for python 3 (especially sybase, oracle and sqlserver)?

Or did anyone succeed on porting sybase library using 2to3? I have no luck. :(

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Kris Edison Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 12:03

Kris Edison

1 Answers

To use Python (2.6,2.7 and 3.1 are supported) with Sybase ASE you need two things:

  • sybpydb extension module for Python
  • Sybase Open Client SDK

Sybase has documentation for programmers wishing to connect to Sybase ASE with Python.

If you are using Python with Sybase SQLAnywhere you need the sqlanydb module.

Here is the documentation for using Sybase SQLAnywhere with Python.

like image 91
Michael Gardner Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 10:03

Michael Gardner