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PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.xxx - is this a typo?

I have a file called test.py with the following code:

import pytest

def test_http_request():

class TestClass:
    def test_method(self):

pytest -s test.py passed but gave the following warnings:

pytest -s test.py
=============================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-5.2.4, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/user
collected 2 items

test.py ..

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
    PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.webtest - is this a typo?  You can register
    custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/mark.html

-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html
=============================== 2 passed, 1 warnings in 0.03s ===================

Environment: Python 3.7.3, pytest 5.2.4, anaconda3

What is the best way to get rid of the warning message?

like image 349
Jonathan L Avatar asked Mar 23 '20 00:03

Jonathan L

People also ask

What is a pytest mark?

Pytest allows us to use markers on test functions. Markers are used to set various features/attributes to test functions. Pytest provides many inbuilt markers such as xfail, skip and parametrize. Apart from that, users can create their own marker names.

How do I check my pytest warnings?

-r chars show extra test summary info as specified by chars (f)ailed, (E)error, (s)skipped, (x)failed, (X)passed (w)pytest-warnings (a)all. This will allow to show warnings in the report (top portion of the record) will list which pytest plugins use deprecated arguments (in my case bellow):

What is pytest Mark skip?

If you want to skip all test functions of a module, you may use the pytestmark global: # test_module.py pytestmark = pytest. mark. skipif(...) If multiple skipif decorators are applied to a test function, it will be skipped if any of the skip conditions is true.

How do I register a pytest marker?

Registering markers. Registering markers for your test suite is simple: # content of pytest. ini [pytest] markers = webtest: mark a test as a webtest.

3 Answers

To properly handle this you need to register the custom marker. Create a pytest.ini file and place the following inside of it.

markers =
    webtest: mark a test as a webtest.

Next time you run the tests, the warning about the unregistered marker will not be there.

like image 99
gold_cy Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10


without updating pytest.ini, we can ignore warning using --disable-warnings

We can also use --disable-pytest-warnings

Example using your case: pytest -s test.py -m webtest --disable-warnings

like image 24
Balaji K Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Balaji K

@gold_cy's answer works. If you have too many custom markers need to register in pytest.ini, an alternative way is to use the following configuration in pytest.ini:

filterwarnings =

or in general, use the following:

filterwarnings =

the configuration above will ignore all user warnings, but will transform all other warnings into errors. See more at Warnings Capture

test.py (updated with two custom markers)

import pytest

def test_http_request():
    print("webtest::test_http_request() called")

class TestClass:
    def test_method(self):
        print("test1::test_method() called")

Use the following commands to run desired tests:

pytest -s test.py -m webtest
pytest -s test.py -m test1
like image 2
Jonathan L Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Jonathan L