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Pytest where to store expected data




Testing function I need to pass parameters and see the output matches the expected output.

It is easy when function's response is just a small array or a one-line string which can be defined inside the test function, but suppose function I test modifies a config file which can be huge. Or the resulting array is something 4 lines long if I define it explicitly. Where do I store that so my tests remain clean and easy to maintain?

Right now if that is string I just put a file near the .py test and do open() it inside the test:

def test_if_it_works():     with open('expected_asnwer_from_some_function.txt') as res_file:         expected_data = res_file.read()     input_data = ... # Maybe loaded from a file as well     assert expected_data == if_it_works(input_data) 

I see many problems with such approach, like the problem of maintaining this file up to date. It looks bad as well. I can make things probably better moving this to a fixture:

@pytest.fixture def expected_data()     with open('expected_asnwer_from_some_function.txt') as res_file:         expected_data = res_file.read()     return expected_data  @pytest.fixture def input_data()     return '1,2,3,4'  def test_if_it_works(input_data, expected_data):     assert expected_data == if_it_works(input_data) 

That just moves the problem to another place and usually I need to test if function works in case of empty input, input with a single item or multiple items, so I should create one big fixture including all three cases or multiple fixtures. In the end code gets quite messy.

If a function expects a complicated dictionary as an input or gives back the dictionary of the same huge size test code becomes ugly:

 @pytest.fixture  def input_data():      # It's just an example      return {['one_value': 3, 'one_value': 3, 'one_value': 3,      'anotherky': 3, 'somedata': 'somestring'],        ['login': 3, 'ip_address': 32, 'value': 53,        'one_value': 3], ['one_vae': 3, 'password': 13, 'lue': 3]} 

It's quite hard to read tests with such fixtures and keep them up to date.


After searching a while I found a library which solved a part of a problem when instead of big config files I had large HTML responses. It's betamax.

For easier usage I created a fixture:

from betamax import Betamax  @pytest.fixture def session(request):     session = requests.Session()     recorder = Betamax(session)     recorder.use_cassette(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', request.function.__name__)     recorder.start()     request.addfinalizer(recorder.stop)     return session 

So now in my tests I just use the session fixture and every request I make is being serialized automatically to the fixtures/test_name.json file so the next time I execute the test instead of doing a real HTTP request library loads it from the filesystem:

def test_if_response_is_ok(session):    r = session.get("http://google.com") 

It's quite handy because in order to keep these fixtures up to date I just need to clean the fixtures folder and rerun my tests.

like image 949
Glueon Avatar asked Apr 14 '15 12:04


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1 Answers

I had a similar problem once, where I have to test configuration file against an expected file. That's how I fixed it:

  1. Create a folder with the same name of your test module and at the same location. Put all your expected files inside that folder.

    test_foo/     expected_config_1.ini     expected_config_2.ini test_foo.py 
  2. Create a fixture responsible for moving the contents of this folder to a temporary file. I did use of tmpdir fixture for this matter.

    from __future__ import unicode_literals from distutils import dir_util from pytest import fixture import os   @fixture def datadir(tmpdir, request):     '''     Fixture responsible for searching a folder with the same name of test     module and, if available, moving all contents to a temporary directory so     tests can use them freely.     '''     filename = request.module.__file__     test_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)      if os.path.isdir(test_dir):         dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, bytes(tmpdir))      return tmpdir 

    Important: If you are using Python 3, replace dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, bytes(tmpdir)) with dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, str(tmpdir)).

  3. Use your new fixture.

    def test_foo(datadir):     expected_config_1 = datadir.join('expected_config_1.ini')     expected_config_2 = datadir.join('expected_config_2.ini') 

Remember: datadir is just the same as tmpdir fixture, plus the ability of working with your expected files placed into the a folder with the very name of test module.

like image 52
Fabio Menegazzo Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09

Fabio Menegazzo