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PyTest deprecation: 'junit_family default value will change to 'xunit2'

I'm getting deprecation warning from my pipelines at circleci.


/home/circleci/evobench/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_pytest/junitxml.py:436: PytestDeprecationWarning: The 'junit_family' default value will change to 'xunit2' in pytest 6.0.


- run:
    name: Tests
    command: |
      . env/bin/activate
      mkdir test-reports
      python -m pytest --junitxml=test-reports/junit.xml

How should I modify command to use xunit? Is it possible to a default tool, as it is mentioned in the message? I mean without specyfing xunit or junit.

Here's full pipeline.

like image 298
Piotr Rarus Avatar asked Feb 13 '20 16:02

Piotr Rarus

3 Answers

In your pytest.ini file add the following line:


If you want to keep the default behavior of the --junitxml option. Or you can accept the new version, xunit2 but not explicitly defining the junit_family variable.

Essentially what the warning is saying is you are giving the --junitxml option in your

  name: Tests

section not specifying the junit_family variable. You need to start to explicitly defining it to remove the warning or accept the new default.

This thread goes into more details about where to find the .ini file for pytest.

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Edeki Okoh Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Edeki Okoh

For official statement/documentation about moving from xunit1 to xunit2 read: docs.pytest.org

Also if your project contains pytest.ini file you can set junit_family usage directly from the file like:

# pytest.ini
minversion = 6.0
junit_suite_name = Pytest Tests
addopts = -ra -q -v -s --junitxml=path/to/pytest_results/pytest.xml
like image 37
dubaksk Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10


Run your command in this ways.

with xunit2

python -m pytest -o junit_family=xunit2 --junitxml=test-reports/junit.xml

with xunit1

python -m pytest -o junit_family=xunit1 --junitxml=test-reports/junit.xml or

python -m pytest -o junit_family=legacy --junitxml=test-reports/junit.xml

This here describes the change in detail:

The default value of junit_family option will change to xunit2 in pytest 6.0, given that this is the version supported by default in modern tools that manipulate this type of file.

In order to smooth the transition, pytest will issue a warning in case the --junitxml option is given in the command line but junit_family is not explicitly configured in pytest.ini:

PytestDeprecationWarning: The `junit_family` default value will change to 'xunit2' in pytest 6.0.   Add `junit_family=legacy` to your

pytest.ini file to silence this warning and make your suite compatible.

In order to silence this warning, users just need to configure the junit_family option explicitly:

like image 11
H6. Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
