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Pytest: deleting files created by the tested function

I am testing a function that, as part of its execution, pickles objects. After the test, I want to delete the pickle files.

If it is the test itself that saves files, pytest’s “tmpdir” fixture seems like the solution. However, with the function undergoing testing being the creator of saved files, and not the test, I’m not sure what the proper way to clean up the files after the test is.

In this case, the files are being saved in the “tests” directory that contains the tests being run. The only option I can think of is to delete all *.pkl pickle files from the test directory after each test. I am wondering if I am missing a more elegant solution that pytest may provide.

What is the standard way of cleaning up any files that are generated as a side effect of a function being tested with pytest?

like image 448
Geoffrey Sametz Avatar asked Aug 08 '18 01:08

Geoffrey Sametz

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1 Answers

You can monkeypatch file opening function and check whether a new file is written. Collect new files in a list. Afterwards, go through the list and remove the files. Example:

# spam.py
import pathlib
import numpy

def plain_write():
    with open('spam.1', 'w') as f:

def pathlib_write():
    with pathlib.Path('spam.2').open('w') as f:

def pathlib_write_text():

def pathlib_write_bytes():

def numpy_save():
    numpy.save('spam.4', numpy.zeros([10, 10]))

def numpy_savetxt():
    numpy.savetxt('spam.5', numpy.zeros([10, 10]))


Depending on what functions you test, monkeypatching builtins.open may not be enough: for example, to cleanup files written with pathlib, you need to additionally monkeypatch io.open.

import builtins
import io
import os
import pytest
import spam

def patch_open(open_func, files):
    def open_patched(path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, 
                    errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True,
        if 'w' in mode and not os.path.isfile(path):
        return open_func(path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, 
                         encoding=encoding, errors=errors,
                         newline=newline, closefd=closefd, 
    return open_patched

def cleanup_files(monkeypatch):
    files = []
    monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, 'open', patch_open(builtins.open, files))
    monkeypatch.setattr(io, 'open', patch_open(io.open, files))
    for file in files:

def test_plain_write():
    assert spam.plain_write() is None

def test_pathlib_write():
    assert spam.pathlib_write() is None

def test_pathlib_write_text():
    assert spam.pathlib_write_text() is None

def test_pathlib_write_bytes():
    assert spam.pathlib_write_bytes() is None

def test_numpy_save():
    assert spam.numpy_save() is None

def test_numpy_savetxt():
    assert spam.numpy_savetxt() is None
like image 196
hoefling Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11
