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PySpark: filtering with isin returns empty dataframe

Context: I need to filter a dataframe based on what contains another dataframe's column using the isin function.

For Python users working with pandas, that would be: isin().
For R users, that would be: %in%.

So I have a simple spark dataframe with id and value columns:

l = [(1, 12), (1, 44), (1, 3), (2, 54), (3, 18), (3, 11), (4, 13), (5, 78)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(l, ['id', 'value'])

| id|value|
|  1|   12|
|  1|   44|
|  1|    3|
|  2|   54|
|  3|   18|
|  3|   11|
|  4|   13|
|  5|   78|

I want to get all ids that appear multiple times. Here's a dataframe of unique ids in df:

unique_ids = df.groupBy('id').count().where(col('count') < 2)

| id|count|
|  5|    1|
|  2|    1|
|  4|    1|

So the logical operation would be:

 df = df[~df.id.isin(unique_ids.id)]
 # This is the same than:
 df = df[df.id.isin(unique_ids.id) == False]

However, I get an empty dataframe:


| id|value|

This "error" works in the opposite way:


returns all the rows of df.

like image 269
LePuppy Avatar asked Mar 07 '19 14:03


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1 Answers

The expression df.id.isin(unique_ids.id) == False is evaluating if Column<b'((id IN (id)) = false)'> and this will never happen because id is in id. However, the expression df.id.isin(unique_ids.id) is evaluating if Column<b'(id IN (id))'>, and this is always true, for that reason it returns the whole data frame. unique_ids.id is a Column not a list.

isin(*cols) receives a list of values as an argument, not a column, so, to work in this way, you should execute the following:

ids = unique_ids.rdd.map(lambda x:x.id).collect()
df[df.id.isin(ids)].collect() # or show...

and you will obtain:

[Row(id=2, value=54), Row(id=4, value=13), Row(id=5, value=78)]

In any case, I think it would be better if you join both data frames:

df_ = df.join(unique_ids, on='id')


| id|value|count|
|  5|   78|    1|
|  2|   54|    1|
|  4|   13|    1|
like image 95
Amanda Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
