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Pyspark: Delta table as stream source, How to do it?

I am facing issue in readStream on delta table.

What is expected, reference from following link https://docs.databricks.com/delta/delta-streaming.html#delta-table-as-a-stream-source Ex:

spark.readStream.format("delta").table("events")  -- As expected, should work fine

Issue, I have tried the same in the following way:

df.write.format("delta").saveAsTable("deltatable")  -- Saved the Dataframe as a delta table

spark.readStream.format("delta").table("deltatable") -- Called readStream 


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'DataStreamReader' object has no attribute 'table'

Note: I am running it in localhost, using pycharm IDE, Installed latest version of pyspark, spark version = 2.4.5, Scala version 2.11.12

like image 562
Sarada Rout Avatar asked Jun 11 '20 18:06

Sarada Rout

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1 Answers

The DataStreamReader.table and DataStreamWriter.table methods are not in Apache Spark yet. Currently you need to use Databricks Notebook in order to call them.

like image 157
zsxwing Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
