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Pyspark dataframe: Summing over a column while grouping over another

I have a dataframe such as the following

In [94]: prova_df.show()

order_item_order_id order_item_subtotal
1                   299.98             
2                   199.99             
2                   250.0              
2                   129.99             
4                   49.98              
4                   299.95             
4                   150.0              
4                   199.92             
5                   299.98             
5                   299.95             
5                   99.96              
5                   299.98             

What I would like to do is to compute, for each different value of the first column, the sum over the corresponding values of the second column. I've tried doing this with the following code:

from pyspark.sql import functions as func

Which gives an output


Which I'm not so sure if it's doing the right thing. Why isn't it showing also the information from the first column? Thanks in advance for your answers

like image 609
Paolo Lami Avatar asked Nov 27 '15 16:11

Paolo Lami

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2 Answers

A similar solution for your problem using PySpark 2.7.x would look like this:

df = spark.createDataFrame(
    [(1, 299.98),
    (2, 199.99),
    (2, 250.0),
    (2, 129.99),
    (4, 49.98),
    (4, 299.95),
    (4, 150.0),
    (4, 199.92),
    (5, 299.98),
    (5, 299.95),
    (5, 99.96),
    (5, 299.98)],
    ['order_item_order_id', 'order_item_subtotal'])


Which results in the following output:

|                  5|       999.8700000000001|
|                  1|                  299.98|
|                  2|                  579.98|
|                  4|                  699.85|
like image 185
Zac Roberts Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Zac Roberts

You can use partition in a window function for that:

from pyspark.sql import Window

df.withColumn("value_field", f.sum("order_item_subtotal") \
  .over(Window.partitionBy("order_item_order_id"))) \
like image 27
luminousmen Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
