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Pyspark Dataframe - Map Strings to Numerics

I'm looking for a way to convert a given column of data, in this case strings, and convert them into a numeric representation. For example, I have a dataframe of strings with values:

|    level   |
|      Medium|
|      Medium|
|      Medium|
|        High|
|      Medium|
|      Medium|
|         Low|
|         Low|
|        High|
|         Low|
|         Low|

And I want to create a new column where these values get converted to:

"High"= 1, "Medium" = 2, "Low" = 3

|   level_num|
|           2|
|           2|
|           2|
|           1|
|           2|
|           2|
|           3|
|           3|
|           1|
|           3|
|           3|

I've tried defining a function and doing a foreach over the dataframe like so:

def f(x): 
    if(x == 'Medium'):
       return 2
    elif(x == "Low"):
       return 3
       return 1

 a = df.select("level").rdd.foreach(f)

But this returns a "None" type. Thoughts? Thanks for the help as always!

like image 557
Brian Behe Avatar asked Nov 30 '17 16:11

Brian Behe

People also ask

How do I convert string to numeric in PySpark?

In order to typecast an integer to string in pyspark we will be using cast() function with StringType() as argument, To typecast string to integer in pyspark we will be using cast() function with IntegerType() as argument.

How do you map columns in PySpark?

Solution: PySpark SQL function create_map() is used to convert selected DataFrame columns to MapType , create_map() takes a list of columns you wanted to convert as an argument and returns a MapType column.

1 Answers

You can certainly do this along the lines you have been trying - you'll need a map operation instead of foreach.

# u'2.2.0'

from pyspark.sql import Row
# toy data:
df = spark.createDataFrame([Row("Medium"),
# +------+ 
# | level|
# +------+
# |Medium|
# |  High|
# |  High|
# |   Low|
# +------+

Using your f(x) with these toy data, we get:

df.select("level").rdd.map(lambda x: f(x[0])).collect()
# [2, 1, 1, 3]

And one more map will give you a dataframe:

df.select("level").rdd.map(lambda x: f(x[0])).map(lambda x: Row(x)).toDF(["level_num"]).show()
# +---------+ 
# |level_num|
# +---------+
# |        2|
# |        1|
# |        1| 
# |        3|
# +---------+

But it would be preferable to do it without invoking a temporary intermediate RDD, using the dataframe function when instead of your f(x):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when

df.withColumn("level_num", when(col("level")=='Medium', 2).when(col("level")=='Low', 3).otherwise(1)).show()
# +------+---------+ 
# | level|level_num|
# +------+---------+
# |Medium|        2|
# |  High|        1| 
# |  High|        1|
# |   Low|        3| 
# +------+---------+    
like image 150
desertnaut Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
