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pyspark -- best way to sum values in column of type Array(Integer())

Lets say this is my dataframe ...

name | scores
Dan  |  [10,5,2,12]
Ann  |  [ 12,3,5]
Jon  |  [ ] 

Desired output is something like

name | scores         | Total
Dan  |  [10,5,2,12]   | 29
Ann  |   [ 12,3,5]    | 20
Jon  |  [ ]           | 0

I made a UDF along the lines of ....

sum_cols = udf(lambda arr: if arr == [] then 0 else __builtins__.sum(arr),IntegerType())

df.withColumn('Total', sum_cols(col('scores'))).show()

However, I have learned that UDFs are relatively slow to pure pySpark functions.

Any way to do code above in pySpark without a UDF ?

like image 758
js_55 Avatar asked Dec 15 '17 19:12


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1 Answers

for Spark 3.1+, you could simply call pyspark.sql.functions.aggregate:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = df.withColumn(
    F.aggregate("scores", F.lit(0), lambda acc, x: acc + x)

Notice that you should use F.lit(0.0) if the column type is not integer.

like image 143
johnnyasd12 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09
