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PySide2 on windows

Does anyone know where I can find a pip-install for PySide2?

It's 2017 and I can't seem to find a pip install or site-package containing the binaries for PySide2. I prefer not to deal with downloading the source code and compiling it myself, as that usually ends up being a huge headache as it's never a smooth process. Also considering it's highly likely someone else has already done it. If I were to be honest here, if I attempted to compile it myself and errors popped up, I wouldn't really know where to begin solving them, nor do I want to spend time doing that.

I just find it hard to believe I can't find it anywhere online or even in PIP when a lot of applications in the VFX industry are switching to PySide2.

I hope someone can help me out. Thanks

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JokerMartini Avatar asked May 31 '17 01:05


People also ask

How do I open PySide2?

It's actually quite easy, just open a console and type the following: python -m pip install PySide2.

What is the difference between PyQt5 and PySide2?

The key difference in the two versions — in fact the entire reason PySide2 exists — is licensing. PyQt5 is available under a GPL or commercial license, and PySide2 under a LGPL license.

What is PySide2?

PySide2 is the official Python module from the Qt for Python project, which provides access to the complete Qt 5.12+ framework. The Qt for Python project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository and an open design process.

2 Answers

PySide2 is now available on pypi so a simple

pip install PySide2

should work on Windows, OSX, and linux!

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frmdstryr Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09


I use Python 3.7 on windows 10 pro, 64bit.

Installing via pip failed for me.

I ended up downloading the wheel from qt directly

QT official download page

and install the downloaded wheel which worked fine.

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576i Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09
