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PyMongo find_one() returns nothing when passed _id as query parameter

I have a single document in my Mongo database:

{"_id" : ObjectId("569bbe3a65193cde93ce7092"), 
 "categories" : [{_id: 0, "category": "Groceries"},
                 {_id: 1, "category": "Bills"}, . . .]}

Using PyMongo in my project, I get this result calling find_one():

x = db.collection.find_one({"_id": "ObjectId(\"569bbe3a65193cde93ce7092\")"})
// None

Whenever I perform this same query in the Mongo shell, it returns my document. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is not working. Using find({}) returns the document, so I know PyMongo can see it.

I can call find_one({"categories": {"$exists": True}}) to retrieve the document, and since this will be the only document containing "categories", this will work; however, now I'm just baffled as to why accessing the document by _id is giving me such trouble. Neither escaping the quotes nor quote-wrapping 569bbe3a65193cde93ce7092 has made any difference.

like image 754
SourMonk Avatar asked Jan 17 '16 17:01


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1 Answers

To add to the @Simulant answer, you need to import the ObjectId from the bson.objectid:

from bson.objectid import ObjectId

x = db.collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId("569bbe3a65193cde93ce7092")})
like image 160
alecxe Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
