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Pydev Not Recognized in Eclipse

I've been using PyDev within Eclipse on my Mac for about two years now. Updated Eclipse today, and suddenly PyDev is completely missing. Tried everything, included a complete uninstall and fresh install, but although PyDev shows up as installed in the menu, it appears nowhere else.

PyDev version: Eclipse: Version: Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819

I can't open a PyDev perspective, I can't create a new Python file, and I can't open an existing Python file without it just being seen as plain text.

I've got a huge assignment due tonight, help appreciated.

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idalsin Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 03:11


People also ask

How do I know if PyDev is installed?

You can verify if it is correctly installed going to the menu 'window > preferences' and checking if there is a PyDev item under that.

How do I run PyDev?

Go to the menu: Alt + R + S + The number of the Run you wish (It can be Python, Jython, unit-test, etc). Note: if you were using unit-tests, you could use: Ctrl+F9 to run the unit-tests from the module (and even selecting which tests should be run -- and if Shift is pressed it's launched in debug mode).

6 Answers

To see what the problem is, I upgraded from PyDev 2.8.2 to 3.0.0 just for this. It caused me a world of hurt. That version is filled with bugs. Nothing is working for me, including the perspectives or the debugger. I just went back to 2.8.2 and all is well again. I am also on Kepler and Mac. Go to 2.8.2. YOu can uninstall pydev using eclipse, then simply install pydev using the easy zip file instructions here: http://pydev.org/manual_101_install.html.

3.0.0 was just released yesterday. They obviously have some fixing to do!

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Tommy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10


If you can't / will not upgrade to Java 7:

Uninstall latest PyDev version
1. Help >> About Eclipse
2. Press button "Installation Details"
3. Select "PyDev for Eclipse"
4. Press button "Uninstall..."
5. Close, OK

Install version 2.8.2
1. Help >> Install New Software...
2. select in drop-down list "Work with:" PyDev Update Site - http://pydev.org/updates/
3. De-select option "Show only the latest versions of available software"
4. Select "PyDev for Eclipse, version 2.8.2"
5. Press button "Next>"
6. ...
n. Restart Eclipse (as proposed)

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Jacky Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10


Check if you are using Java 7, it is needed now for PyDev 3. Source: http://pydev.org/download.html and PyDev bugtracker. After upgrading my java-version it worked for me again.

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Tobx Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10


The following solved the problem for me, on OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 initially with Java 1.7.0_55 (from Oracle, the standard Mavericks install I think, fully up to date)

  • check the available Java virtual machines using the terminal :

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

I initially only had Java 1.6 listed here (a similar check from within Eclipse also confirmed that it was running 1.6, not the available 1.7 !)

  • following posts suggesting that I had the Java 7 JRE but not the JDK, I installed the JDK from Oracle : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html

  • then checked again /usr/libexec/java_home -V ... and hurrah! 1.7 showing up !

  • Restarted Eclipse... didn't change anything else : the previously installed PyDev started to work (just had to re-open files in the editor)

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PhiM Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10


It seems a lot of PyDev/Eclipse issues are a matter of using the correct Java JRE/JDK and PyDev for the version of Eclipse you're running.

From http://www.pydev.org/

Release 5.2.0

Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.5 onwards.

PyDev 4.5.5 is the last release supporting Java 7 and Eclipse 3.8. See: update sites page (http://www.pydev.org/update_sites/index.html) for the update site of older versions of PyDev.

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ianmatth Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10


At start i was also facing same error that : The solution is not provide while installing PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse 6.3.2 and when I am When trying to install I receive the following message: Unable to read repository at https://dl.bintray.com/fabioz/pydev/latest/content.xml. ?

Then i came up with the final solution :

follow the steps :

Online Install

The URL for installation of the feature is http://pydev.org/updates. You can use that URL to Install New Software... from the Help menu if the Eclipse Marketplace is not doing what you want.

and uncheck all the options mentioned below on Install New Software Window like: Uncheck :

1.Show only the latest versions of available software
2.Group Items by category
3.Show only software applicable to target environment
4.Contact all update sites during install to find required software

Offline Install

If you meet the requirements (below) and continue to have problems with the update site, you can download to install offline. Get it from SourceForge (or follow the link from PyDev's website to SourceForge).

and uncheck all the options mentioned below on Install New Software Window like: Uncheck :

1.Show only the latest versions of available software
2.Group Items by category
3.Show only software applicable to target environment
4.Contact all update sites during install to find required software
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Racheal Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10
