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Pycharm pip install wont work behind a proxy


People also ask

How do I get pip to work behind a proxy server?

pip can be configured to connect through a proxy server in various ways: using the --proxy command-line option to specify a proxy in the form scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. using proxy in a Configuration Files. by setting the standard environment-variables http_proxy , https_proxy and no_proxy .

Why doesn't pip install work in PyCharm?

If an error occurs while installing a package in PyCharm, it may be due to a new version of the “pip” package on your computer. You have to update it before a package will install. To update “pip”: Go to “Project Interpreter.” Click on it.

How do I change proxy settings in PyCharm?

Configure proxy settings directly from PyCharm. Do the following: Open the Version Control | Subversion | Network page of the IDE settings Ctrl+Alt+S . Click the Edit Network Options button and specify the proxy settings in the Edit Subversion Options Related to Network Layers dialog that opens.

I'm trying to install packages from within Pycharm in Windows 10. I am behind a proxy, so I have set up the proxy information as well as my login details and my connection seems to work.

internet connection

My problem is that both pip and Setup_tools seems fails to connect to the internet and I get the following error after multiple connections retries have failed:

No matching distribution found for [package name]

For example, when I try to install Numpy:

errors im getting


  • I have looked at a similar question over here, however I didn't find that helpful.

  • I have managed to get pip to work from the command prompt(CMD) after doing the following:

    1. Export the proxy settings :

      set http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyAddress:port

      set https_proxy=https://username:password@proxyAddress:port

    2. Install the package:

      pip install PackageName

For some reason, the following kind of install seem to not work (note this is the same kind of statement Pycharm is trying to use to install my packages):

pip install --proxy=https://username:password@proxy:port packageName

What am I doing wrong? How do I resolve this? Thanks in advance.