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PyCharm PEP8 Code Style highlights not working

I've been having this PEP8 style highlighting issue. The issue is it's not highlighting obvious style issues, like no blank lines before class definitions, or no empty lines at the end of the file. It could have to do with my VM and vagrant, but the project code is hosted locally so I don't think that should be an issue.

If I do Code > Run Inspection By Name > PEP 8 coding style violation it says it finds no instances.

Under File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Python > Blank Lines I have blank lines set around the class. An oddity is that if I change the number of lines "around method", it changes them in real time in the example text on the right, but it doesn't do the same for lines "around class".

Under File > Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python I have "PEP 8 coding style violation" selected. I've tried changing it from warning to error and I still can't see the highlights in my file.

I don't have power saver mode on, which I've learned is a way to deactivate the background style checking in the editor.

I searched in Help > Show Log in Files for PEP8 and found "Pep8ExternalAnnotator - Found no suitable interpreter", but I don't know what that means and I couldn't find any references to it online.

I'm running PyCharms professional 2016.3

PyCharm 2016.3.2
Build #PY-163.10154.50, built on December 28, 2016
Licensed to arbaerbearfaerfa
Subscription is active until October 17, 2017
For educational use only.
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-408-b6 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o

like image 349
Nate Schultz Avatar asked Apr 09 '17 23:04

Nate Schultz

1 Answers

Here are three more things to check:

  • Click the Inspector icon and make sure that you have the highlighting level set to Inspections.
  • There's a second PEP8 inspection, "PEP 8 naming convention violation".
  • Ensure that the scope of inspections is set for the entire project.
like image 122
Steve Piercy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Steve Piercy