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Putting JVM arguments in a file to be picked up at runtime

I'm building a jar of my current application, which required several JVM arguments to be set.

Is there a way of setting these JVM arguments in a file rather than on the command line?

I've done some hunting and it looks like I might be able to do something witha java.properties file, possibly by setting a java-args, but I can't find any reference to the format for doing this.

Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Is this possible and if so how?

If not is there some other way to specify the JVM arguments?

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Omar Kooheji Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 04:03

Omar Kooheji

1 Answers

You could of course write a batch script to execute the JVM. The batch script could look into the file and call with the appropriate parameters. This would be OS dependent though.

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smack0007 Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 05:04
