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put CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation for Swift


I have a method I want to call however when I get back the center of the map, it is in CLLocationCoordinate2D type.

How do I put the results of CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation?

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Christopher Wade Cantley Avatar asked Nov 11 '14 18:11

Christopher Wade Cantley

1 Answers

Figured it out.

When mapView changes region, get the Lat and Lon from CLLocationCoordinate2D and create a CLLocation variable with the lat and lon passed in.

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool){      var centre = mapView.centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2D      var getLat: CLLocationDegrees = centre.latitude     var getLon: CLLocationDegrees = centre.longitude       var getMovedMapCenter: CLLocation =  CLLocation(latitude: getLat, longitude: getLon)      self.lastLocation = getMovedMapCenter     self.fetchCafesAroundLocation(getMovedMapCenter)  } 
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Christopher Wade Cantley Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

Christopher Wade Cantley