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Pushkit token not getting in some devices iOS

I have implemented PushKit. I've followed these steps:

1.) https://stackoverflow.com/a/38184769/4970453

2.) https://stackoverflow.com/a/28562124

I am able to get didUpdatePushCredentials device token. working in --> iPhone 5s , iPhone6 Plus

didUpdatePushCredentials Not working in --> iPhone6 and iPhone7

I am using same cerificates and Build for all devices. Don't know the exact issue. If anyone have faced this kind of problem, please share work-arounds.

My code and Certificate Link

code -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x2615t7xn8mavs3/AADbX5nBuF5_08YNPX8wI59ga?dl=0

cer -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/70l4htj1c46emog/AABxBalaoN1JP22dQp8-mNXGa?dl=0

 Solution -----> I have changed Bundle identifier And create New certificate with New BundleId.
like image 879
Varinder Singh iPhone Dev Avatar asked Jul 12 '17 09:07

Varinder Singh iPhone Dev

1 Answers

Make sure that in the certificates page you have the push notifications enabled in the App ID. Also try using a 3G/4G connection. Network configuration may be not letting the device to obtain the token.

like image 164
rockdaswift Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11
