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Purpose of matrix length




Matlab defines the matrix function length to return

Length of largest array dimension

What is an example of a use of knowing the largest dimension? Knowing number of rows or columns has obvious uses... but I don't know why someone would want the largest dimension regardless of whether it is rows or cols.

Thank You

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Max Wen Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 12:03

Max Wen

1 Answers

In fact, most of my code wants to do things exactly once for each row, for each column or for each element.

Therefore, I typically use one of these


In particular do not depend on length to match the number of elements in a vector!

The only real convenience that I found {in older versions of matlab} for length is if I need a repeat statement rather than a while. Then it is convenient that length of vectors usually returns at least one.

Some other uses that I had for length:

  • A quick rough check whether something is big.
  • Making something square as mentioned by @Mike
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Dennis Jaheruddin Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 16:03

Dennis Jaheruddin