I am working in Matlab. I want to show Images in a given Panel one by one when user mouse click on a file name in tree list. Can anyone please help me?
Code for tree:
src = strcat(pwd,'\Result\');
[mtree, container] = uitree('v0', 'Root',src,۔۔۔
'Position',[10 10 290 370],'Parent', imageListPanel2); % Parent is ignored
set(container, 'Parent', imageListPanel2); % fix the uitree Parent
Function to Display Image in panel:
function refreshDisplay(varargin)
imgDisplayed = imshow(tmp,'parent',workingAx);
end %refreshDisplay
I just need to know how to call function refreshDisplay() from my tree. Again remember I want to call function from Tree Elements(files) not from node(sub directory).
Below is a quick but complete example. Code is commented and easy to follow:
function MyImageViewer
% prepare GUI
hFig = figure('Menubar','none', 'Name','Image Viewer');
hPan(1) = uipanel('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[0 0 0.3 1]);
hPan(2) = uipanel('Parent',hFig, 'Position',[0.3 0 0.7 1]);
ax = axes('Parent',hPan(2), 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
axis(ax, 'off', 'image')
[jtree,htree] = uitree('v0', 'Parent',hFig, ...
'Root','C:\Users\Amro\Pictures\', 'SelectionChangeFcn',@changeFcn);
set(htree, 'Parent',hPan(1), 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
jtree.expand(jtree.getRoot); % expand root node
% list of supported image extensions
fmt = imformats;
imgExt = lower([fmt.ext]);
function changeFcn(~,~)
% get selected node
nodes = jtree.getSelectedNodes;
if isempty(nodes), return; end
n = nodes(1);
% only consider a leaf node (skip folders)
if ~n.isLeaf, return; end
% get complete node path (absolute filename)
p = arrayfun(@(nd) char(nd.getName), n.getPath, 'Uniform',false);
p = strjoin(p(:).', filesep);
% check for supported image types, and show image
[~,~,ext] = fileparts(p);
if any(strcmpi(ext(2:end),imgExt))
imshow(p, 'Parent',ax)
Note that everything in the tree are nodes, both the folders and the images. You need to implement a check inside the selection callback to test whether the selected node is a folder.
Quoting UndocumentedMatlab:
The currently-selected node(s) can be accessed using mtree.getSelectedNodes. Node selection callbacks often require knowledge of the currently selected rows:
%// Tree set up
mtree = uitree(..., 'SelectionChangeFcn',@mySelectFcn);
set(mtree, 'SelectionChangeFcn',@mySelectFcn); % an alternative
%// The tree-node selection callback
function nodes = mySelectFcn(tree, value)
selectedNodes = tree.getSelectedNodes;
%// Use this to see which information is available about the node:
%// methods(selectedNodes(1),'-full')
%// And the node array:
%// methods(selectedNodes,'-full')
if ~isempty(selectedNodes) || max(selectedNodes.size)>1
%// Obtain path from selected node; Source: link1 below
nodePath = selectedNodes(1).getPath.cell;
subPathStrs = cellfun(@(p) [p.getName.char,filesep],nodePath,'un',0);
pathStr = strrep([subPathStrs{:}], [filesep,filesep],filesep);
%// Also, don't forget a drive letter here ^ if required
if ~isdir(pathStr) %// check that the selection isn't a directory
%// this is where you need to call your refresh function
end %// mySelectFcn
You can get some other ideas in this answer, which shows how to implement a mouse tracking callback, in case you want the refresh to execute on a mouse-over...
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