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Purpose of buildscript block in Gradle

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What is the use of buildScript in Gradle?

Gradle builds a script file for handling two things; one is projects and other is tasks. Every Gradle build represents one or more projects. A project represents a library JAR or a web application or it might represent a ZIP that is assembled from the JARs produced by other projects.

What is the difference between buildScript and allprojects?

The " buildscript " configuration section is for gradle itself (i.e. changes to how gradle is able to perform the build). So this section will usually include the Android Gradle plugin. The " allprojects " section is for the modules being built by Gradle.

What is Ext block in Gradle?

All enhanced objects in Gradle's domain model can hold extra user-defined properties. This includes, but is not limited to, projects, tasks, and source sets. Extra properties can be added, read and set via the owning object's ext property. Alternatively, an ext block can be used to add multiple properties at once.

What is the use of plugins in Gradle?

It can do things such as: Extend the Gradle model (e.g. add new DSL elements that can be configured) Configure the project according to conventions (e.g. add new tasks or configure sensible defaults) Apply specific configuration (e.g. add organizational repositories or enforce standards)

The buildScript block determines which plugins, task classes, and other classes are available for use in the rest of the build script. Without a buildScript block, you can use everything that ships with Gradle out-of-the-box. If you additionally want to use third-party plugins, task classes, or other classes (in the build script!), you have to specify the corresponding dependencies in the buildScript block.

  • The global level dependencies and repositories sections list dependencies that required for building your source and running your source etc.
  • The buildscript is for the build.gradle file itself. So, this would contain dependencies for say creating RPMs, Dockerfile, and any other dependencies for running the tasks in all the dependent build.gradle

I appreciate Peter's answer... but it was not immediately obvious to me what the rest of the build script meant as emphasized in the answer and in the documentation.

Usually bringing in dependent functionality is for use in the Java program or whatever other program you might be writing. Bringing in Spring say, is not to be used in the build script, but in the Java program. Putting it in the buildscript closure ensures that the dependencies are available for use within the gradle build itself. Not the output program.

The "buildscript" configuration section is for gradle itself (i.e. changes to how gradle is able to perform the build). So this section will usually include the Android Gradle plugin.

A bit more explanation by demonstrating Android top-level gradle file.

buildscript {
    // this is where we are going to find the libraries defined in "dependencies block" at below
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap' }

    // everything listed in the dependencies is actually a plugin, which we'll do "apply plugin" in our module level gradle file.
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.4.2' // this is android gradle plugin
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" // kotlin gradle plugin

module level gradle file

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'

What is "plugin"? They are just java classes, which implement Plugin interface. Under the interface, it has a method "apply" to add multiple task objects with different names. Task is a class where we can implement the workflow. For instance, the build task consists of the flow of building the app.

So, what does buildscript do? It defines where to find the plugins. What does plugin do? It encompasses multiple tasks. What does task do? It provides us with the build, install, lint, etc.

My understanding might be wrong. Please don't hesitate to correct me if you find anything is misleading.