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Add a properties file to IntelliJ's classpath

People also ask

How do I set classpath variables in IntelliJ?

In IntelliJ, Eclipse classpath variables are called path variables and they are accessible via this link: File > Settings > Appearance & Behaviour > Path Variables.

How do I create a properties file in IntelliJ?

Create a properties fileRight-click a directory where you would like to create the file. From the context menu of the target directory, choose New | File. In the New File dialog, type the filename with the corresponding extension . properties, and click OK.

Try this:

  • Go to Project Structure.
  • Select your module.
  • Find the folder in the tree on the right and select it.
  • Click the Sources button above that tree (with the blue folder) to make that folder a sources folder.

Actually, you have at least 2 ways to do it, the first way is described by ColinD, you just configure the "resources" folder as Sources folder in IDEA. If the Resource Patterns contains the extension of your resource, then it will be copied to the output directory when you Make the project and output directory is automatically a classpath of your application.

Another common way is to add the "resources" folder to the classpath directly. Go to Project Structure | Modules | Your Module | Dependencies, click Add, Single-Entry Module Library, specify the path to the "resources" folder.

Yet another solution would be to put the log4j.properties file directly under the Source root of your project (in the default package directory). It's the same as the first way except you don't need to add another Source root in the Module Paths settings, the file will be copied to the output directory on Make.

If you want to test with different log4j configurations, it may be easier to specify a custom configuration file directly in the Run/Debug configuration, VM parameters filed like:


I have the same problem and it annoys me tremendously!!

I have always thought I was surposed to do as answer 2. That used to work in Intellij 9 (now using 10).

However I figured out that by adding these line to my maven pom file helps:


I spent quite a lot of time figuring out how to do this in Intellij 13x. I apparently never added the properties files to the artifacts that required them, which is a separate step in Intellij. The setup below also works when you have a properties file that is shared by multiple modules.

  • Go to your project setup (CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S)
  • In the list, select the module that you want to add one or more properties files to.
  • On the right, select the Dependencies tab.
  • Click the green plus and select "Jars or directories".
  • Now select the folder that contains the property file(s). (I haven't tried including an individual file)
  • Intellij will now ask you what the "category" of the selected file is. Choose "classes" (even though they are not).
  • Now you must add the properties files to the artifact. Intellij will give you the shortcut shown below. It will show errors in the red part at the bottom and a 'red lightbulb' that when clicked shows you an option to add the files to the artifact. You can also go to the 'artifacts' section and add the files to the artifacts manually.

enter image description here

Faced a similar challenge adding files with .ini extensions to the classpath. Found this answer, which is to add it to Preferences -> Compiler -> Resource Patterns -> [...] ;*.ini