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puppet apply error: Could not find default node or by name with 'uys0115' on node uys0115



I have installed puppet on two nodes, and the server node hostname is "uys0115", and the cient node hostname is "uys0119", and the server node have siged the client node. When I exec the commad: puppet cert list --all, we can see:

+ "uys0115" (24:55:95:77:8E:60:33:77:C8:D4:74:EA:01:21:BD:5A)
+ "uys0119" (86:53:1B:81:E5:4F:88:23:E8:34:E1:AB:03:D4:AE:7C)

The puppet main directory is /etc/puppet/, I have write an example and the organization of files as follows:


The code in /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/test.pp is:

class test1 {
package { "bison":
exec { "puppet test":
        command=>"/bin/touch /tmp/puppet-test",
file { "/tmp/test.txt":
        ensure => "present",
        source => "puppet:///modules/test/test.txt"

and the code in /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/init.pp is just import "*"; and the code in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp as follows:

import "test"
node default {
        include "test1"

When I in the client node uys0119 and exec the command puppet agent --test --server uys0115. It executed successfully and created two files puppet-test and test.txt in the directory /tmp/. In the server node when I exec the command puppet apply site.pp, it also executed successfully and created two files. However, the terminal out put two warning messages:

warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115

When I changed the code in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp as follows:

import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"

and exec the command puppet apply site.pp in the server node, it failed an output the error messages:

warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115
Could not find default node or by name with 'uys0115' on node uys0115

But the client node can sucessfully exec the command puppet agent --test --server uys0115 too. Can anybody explain that? If I want to the server node send some repuests to the client nodes and drive some client nodes responses the server and procduces results. How can I do when uses puppet? Can somebody give me an example? thanks very much!!!

like image 952
user3034702 Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 04:11


People also ask

How do you force a puppet agent to run?

You can use the orchestrator to run Puppet from the console, command line, or API. You can use the orchestrator to enforce change based on a: selection of nodes – from the console or the command line: puppet job run --nodes <COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF NODE NAMES>

1 Answers

The server puppet serves as both puppet master and puppet node.

When you edited site.pp as below:

import "test"
node default {
    include "test1"

all puppet nodes connect to puppet master will do operations defined in class "test1". So you found two files in both uys0115 and uys0119(treat as a puppet node).

When changed your site.pp to the following:

import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"

puppet node uys0115 can not find its definition in site.pp (because it only defines uys0119) and puppet master output error info like this:

Could not find default node or by name with 'uys0115' on node uys0115

Here is a modified site.pp can eliminate this error:

import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"
node "uys0115" {
        include "test1"

In puppet master/slave mode, you'd better use fqdn such as uys0115.localdomain, then the following warning will not show

warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115
like image 116
dalang Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11
