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Prove idempotency of type-level disjunction



I've defined type-level disjunction as follows:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}

type family Or (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool
type instance Or False a = a
type instance Or True a = True

Now I'd like to prove (in Haskell) that it is idempotent. That is, I want to build a term idemp with type

idemp :: a ~ b => proxy (Or a b) -> proxy a

which is operationally equivalent to id. (Obviously, I can define it e.g. as unsafeCoerce, but that's cheating.)

Is it possible?

like image 733
Roman Cheplyaka Avatar asked Mar 02 '13 23:03

Roman Cheplyaka

2 Answers

The thing that you ask for is not possible, but something quite like it might do instead. It's not possible because the proof requires a case analysis on type level Booleans, but you have no data which enables you to make such an event occur. The fix is to include just such information via a singleton.

First up, let me note that your type for idemp is a little obfuscated. The constraint a ~ b just names the same thing twice. The following typechecks:

idemq :: p (Or b b) -> p b
idemq = undefined
idemp :: a ~ b => p (Or a b) -> p a
idemp = idemq

(If you have a constraint a ~ t where t does not contain a, it's usually good to substitute t for a. The exception is in instance declarations: an a in an instance head will match anything, hence the instance will fire even if that thing has not yet obviously become t. But I digress.)

I claim idemq is undefinable because we have no useful information about b. The only data available inhabit p-of-something, and we don't know what p is.

We need to reason by cases on b. Bear in mind that with general recursive type families, we can define type level Booleans which are neither True nor False. If I switch on UndecidableInstances, I can define

type family Loop (b :: Bool) :: Bool
type instance Loop True = Loop False
type instance Loop False = Loop True

so Loop True cannot be reduced to True or False, and locally worse, there is no way to show that

Or (Loop True) (Loop True) ~ Loop True     -- this ain't so

There's no way out of it. We need run time evidence that our b is one of the well behaved Booleans that computes somehow to a value. Let us therefore sing

data Booly :: Bool -> * where
  Truey   :: Booly True
  Falsey  :: Booly False

If we know Booly b, we can do a case analysis which will tell us what b is. Each case will then go through nicely. Here's how I'd play it, using an equality type defined with PolyKinds to pack up the facts, rather than abstracting over uses p b.

data (:=:) a b where
  Refl :: a :=: a

Our key fact is now plainly stated and proven:

orIdem :: Booly b -> Or b b :=: b
orIdem Truey   = Refl
orIdem Falsey  = Refl

And we can deploy this fact by strict case analysis:

idemp :: Booly b -> p (Or b b) -> p b
idemp b p = case orIdem b of Refl -> p

The case analysis must be strict, to check that the evidence is not some loopy lie, but rather an honest to goodness Refl silently packing up just the proof of Or b b ~ b that's needed to fix up the types.

If you don't want to sling all these singleton values around explicitly, you can, as kosmikus suggests, hide them in a dictionary and extract them just when you need them.

Richard Eisenberg and Stephanie Weirich have a Template Haskell library which mills these families and classes for you. SHE can build them too and lets you write

orIdem pi b :: Bool. Or b b :=: b
orIdem {True}   = Refl
orIdem {False}  = Refl

where pi b :: Bool. expands to forall b :: Bool. Booly b ->.

But it's such a palaver. That's why my gang are working on adding an actual pi to Haskell, being a non-parametric quantifier (distinct from forall and ->) which can be instantiated by stuff in the now nontrivial intersection between Haskell's type and term languages. This pi could also have an "implicit" variant, where the argument is by default kept hidden. The two respectively correspond to using singleton families and classes, but there's no need to define datatypes three times over to get the additional kit.

It might be worth mentioning that in a total type theory, it is not needed to pass the extra copy of the Boolean b at run time. The thing is, b is used only to make the proof that data may be transported from p (Or b b) to p b, not necessarily to make the data being transported. We don't compute under binders at run time, so there's no way to cook up a dishonest proof of the equation, hence we can erase the proof component and the copy of b that delivers it. As Randy Pollack says, the best thing about working in a strongly normalizing calculus is not having to normalize things.

like image 93
pigworker Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 15:11


As John L says in his comment, there's currently no way to do this without additional constraints, as far as I know. You cannot exploit the fact that Bool is a closed kind on the term level, and there's no way to do case analysis on the type variable of kind Bool in idemp.

The typical solution is to reflect the Bool kind structure on the term level using singleton types:

data SBool :: Bool -> * where
  SFalse :: SBool False
  STrue  :: SBool True

For any b :: Bool, there's just one inhabitant of SBool b (modulo undefined, of course).

With SBool, the theorem is easy to prove (I don't know why you added the extra equality constraint, I'm going to remove it):

idemp' :: SBool a -> proxy (Or a a) -> proxy a
idemp' SFalse x = x
idemp' STrue  x = x

Instead of passing the argument explicitly, you can pass it implicitly, by defining a class that can create the SBool representation:

class CBool (b :: Bool) where
  sBool :: SBool b

instance CBool True  where sBool = STrue
instance CBool False where sBool = SFalse


idemp :: CBool a => proxy (Or a a) -> proxy a
idemp = idemp' sBool

I don't think you can get rid of the CBool constraint, but it is trivially true for any a :: Bool, so it's not a very strong assumption.

like image 7
kosmikus Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 14:11
