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Protobuf version mismatch

I'm currently getting this error using RNN in tensorflow:

[libprotobuf FATAL google/protobuf/stubs/common.cc:61] This program requires version 3.3.0 of the Protocol Buffer runtime library, but the installed version is 2.6.1. Please update your library. If you compiled the program yourself, make sure that your headers are from the same version of Protocol Buffers as your link-time library. (Version verification failed in "bazel-out/local_linux-opt/genfiles/tensorflow/contrib/tensor_forest/proto/fertile_stats.pb.cc".) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'google::protobuf::FatalException'

what(): This program requires version 3.3.0 of the Protocol Buffer runtime library, but the installed version is 2.6.1. Please update your library. If you compiled the program yourself, make sure that your headers are from the same version of Protocol Buffers as your link-time library. (Version verification failed in "bazel-out/local_linux-opt/genfiles/tensorflow/contrib/tensor_forest/proto/fertile_stats.pb.cc".)

But when I check the version:

$ pip show protobuf
Name: protobuf
Version: 3.4.0
Summary: Protocol Buffers
Home-page: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
Author: [email protected]
Author-email: [email protected]
License: 3-Clause BSD License
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Requires: six, setuptools
like image 339
Anthony D'Amato Avatar asked Oct 08 '17 05:10

Anthony D'Amato

1 Answers

You might have two different versions of protobuf installed. Check

protoc --version

If it is different from 3.4.0. You might need to uninstall it.

like image 150
Faiz Akhtar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Faiz Akhtar