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Proper way to navigate with React Native, Redux, and Navigator

I have a React Native app using the Redux framework and I'm using the Navigator component to handle navigation. I've had a little bit of trouble getting the navigation working and I'm not able to find any good examples of how to do it correctly so I'm looking for some help and clarification.

Here's the gist of what I currently have, which is working but I don't know if I'm doing it right:

Root Component

renderScene(route, navigator) {
    console.log('RENDER SCENE', route);
    const Component = route.component;
    return (
        <Component navigator={navigator} route={route} {...this.props} />

render() {
    return (
            renderScene={(route, nav) => this.renderScene(route, nav)}
            initialRoute={{ name: 'Signin', component: Signin }} />

Signin Component

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (!this.props.signedIn && nextProps.signedIn) {
        console.log('PUSHING TO MAIN');
        nextProps.navigator.push({ name: 'Main', component: Main });


1: My first thought here is that I should probably move the navigator.push code into an action. However is componentWillReceiveProps the right place to call the action? When the Signin component is loaded it fires an action to sign in the user if they already have an active session. By default they are not signed in so when the next props come through I check if it changed and then push to Main.

2: In my console log immediately after 'PUSH TO MAIN' is logged I see two 'RENDER SCENE' logs:

[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Signin', component: [Function: Signin] } (EXPECTED)
[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Signin', component: [Function: Signin] } (WHY?)
[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Main', component: [Function: Main] }

I'm curious as to why RENDER SCENE is called twice (the first one being the Signin component) if I'm only pushing the Main component.

Also originally in the componentWillReceiveProps method I was only checking:

if (nextProps.signedIn) {
    nextProps.navigator.push({ name: 'Main', component: Main });

but this caused the Main component to be pushed twice.

like image 497
Denny Ferrassoli Avatar asked Oct 10 '15 17:10

Denny Ferrassoli

People also ask

What is the best navigation for React Native?

Our recommendation: React Navigation The library that we recommend that you use for routing & navigation for iOS, Android, and web is React Navigation. React Navigation is the most popular navigation library in the React Native ecosystem and it is maintained by Expo, so it's guaranteed to work great in your apps.

Which is better react navigation or React Native navigation?

Integration with existing apps In such a case, any navigator based on JS works well compared to existing native solutions. This gives React Navigation the edge over RNN, especially if you are looking to power a few modules of your existing app with React Native, just like Facebook and many other brownfield apps do.

2 Answers

NOTE: The GitHub link below is now deprecated, in the comments the author suggested react-native-router-flux which is by the same author.

I've just added support for Redux, with my new component https://github.com/aksonov/react-native-redux-router with makes navigation pretty easy, like calling Actions.login

like image 59
aksonov Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10


This is not a redux implementation but for routing I found react-native-router-flux to be really useful.

You can do things like call


to navigate to the login view. The routes are defined in your index file and have optional schemas to define navbar elements.


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ithinkiknowruby Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
