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Proper use of parameters in FirebirdSql

I wonder if anyone can help with the following.

using (FbConnection conn = new FbConnection(ConnectionString))

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FbCommand command1 = new FbCommand("SELECT @AN_INT FROM RDB$DATABASE", conn);
    command1.Parameters.Add("AN_INT", FbDbType.Integer);
        command1.Prepare();  //  Message=Dynamic SQL Error
                            //SQL error code = -804
                            //Data type unknown
                            //  Source=FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient
                            //  ErrorCode=335544569
                            //  SQLSTATE=42000
    catch(Exception E)
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FbCommand command2 = new FbCommand("SELECT 123 FROM RDB$DATABASE WHERE 789 >= @AN_INT", conn);
    command2.Parameters.Add("AN_INT", FbDbType.Integer);
        command2.Prepare();  // No Problem
    catch (Exception E)

My problem is this - I have picked up a project from another coder and I think that, if possible, I should change the database component to use parameterised queries; the existing technique is to inject values into Sql strings. The task is to refactor a class to work in an existing project.

The code sample above demonstrates one problem that I must resolve and I wonder of there are others. The issue is, essentially, to create a class that will turn strings into parameterised queries. Has anyone done this, and what traps or tricks might there be along the way?

like image 782
Hugh Jones Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 20:11

Hugh Jones

1 Answers

Your first query needs to be SELECT cast(@AN_INT as int) FROM RDB$DATABASE. Else Firebird doesn't know what the parameter type is (even if it's specified in C# code).

You can try to run this piece of code directly in Firebird to see the limitation of engine itself.

execute block
    execute statement ('select :foobar from rdb$database')(foobar := 10);
like image 73
cincura.net Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11
