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Prompt Before Every Request with Chrome Developer Tools

Is it possible with the Google Chrome Developer Tools to pause before each request (css, javascript, images, etc) is made similar to JavaScript breakpoints?

For example:

GET http://example.com
GET http://example.com/css/styles.css
GET http://example.com/js/scripts.js

This could be useful to get the url of a request before it is executed.

like image 460
Ari Seyhun Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 14:03

Ari Seyhun

1 Answers

Chrome debugger actually has an XHR/fetch breakpoint checkbox on the sidepanel of the sources tab in the DevTools window. If you check it, it will actually pause on the function in the JavaScript script, and you can identify it in situe!

Chrome DevTools with XHR/fetch breakpoint checkbox visible

like image 80
Geoff Davids Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 07:03

Geoff Davids